Building Inspector - Code Enforcement Officer (CEO)


(607) 326-7643


(607) 326-6826

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 189
56 Hillcrest Drive
Roxbury, NY 12474

Office Hours

1:00pm - 4:00pm

Because work includes time in the field, if you have a specific project you need to discuss, please schedule a phone or in-person appointment.


Subdivision, Zoning, and Deeds

Although the Town of Roxbury does not have zoning laws, it does have subdivision regulations and recommendations for historic preservation projects. Some projects may require site plan review. Please refer to the Planning Board or the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission page.

Refer to your deed to determine what, if any, restrictions may apply. Sample restrictions range from the size and style of dwelling to restrictions on farm animals. 

Deed restrictions and their compliance are not reviewed or considered when issuing building permits and enforcement of deed restrictions are a civil matter.

To request a copy of your deed, visit the Delaware County Clerk’s Office.

Building Permit Portal

Visit the Building Permit Portal to apply for permits online, including uploading documents.

Septic System Projects

Because of our location in the New York City Watershed, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requires septic approval prior to subdivision or construction. A building permit will not be issued without DEP septic approval.

For new septic projects, contact the NYC DEP: (607) 363-7000

Septic replacement, upgrade, or other information, contact the Catskill Watershed Corporation (CWC): (845) 586-1400 or visit the CWC online.

As indicated on the building permit application, applications for new house construction must include NYC DEP septic plan approval. If applying for an addition that will include a bedroom(s), written approval from DEP must be included approving use of the existing system.

Maps, Mapping, and Survey Links

Visit the Delaware County Office of Real Property Tax Services page for maps, surveys, and related services. To view property anywhere in Delaware County, NY, see the Delaware County Map Viewer.

  Downloadable Forms

All applications must be accompanied by cash or check in order for a permit or closeout certificate to be issued. Electronic payments can not be accepted.

Applications with proper payment will be accepted by the Town Clerk.

Building Permit Application

Floodplain Development Permit Application

Workers Compensation Affidavit of Exemption

Building Permit Renewal Application

Certificate of Occupancy / Compliance Application

Application for Demolition

Application for Demolition CO or CC Application