Planning Board
Call for Planning Board Volunteers!
Attention all full-time residents! The Planning Board is an all-volunteer group appointed by the Town Board; the Planning Board generally meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month only when it has scheduled business.
Contact the Town Clerk for additional details (607) 326-7641
Take this opportunity to serve your town!
The Town of Roxbury Planning Board is a volunteer group appointed by the Town Board. Although there is no zoning within the Town of Roxbury, there are subdivision regulations and recommendations for historic preservation projects.
The Roxbury Planning Board generally meets the third Wednesday of each month when it has scheduled business. Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, 56 Hillcrest Drive, Roxbury.
Some projects may require site plan review. Please refer to the Site Plan Review Law below and the Building Inspector - CEO page for Maps, Mapping, and Survey Links.
Actions Requiring Planning Board Approval
Boundary Line Adjustments
Site Plan Reviews
  Downloadable Forms
Fee Schedule
Fees For Subdivision Review and Approval
Boundary Line Adjustment
Boundary Line Application Form
Boundary Line Adjustment Applicant Review Check List
Site Plan
Applications for Subdivisions