Historic Preservation Commission
Historic Preservation Commission Members
Michael Mathis - Chair
Lewis Wendell - Co-chair
Peg Ellsworth
Doug McLaurine
Christine O’Shaughnessy
The Commission meets quarterly in January, April, July, and October on the third Friday of the month. Meetings are held at the Roxbury Town Hall at 10:00 a.m. Special meetings will be posted here as needed.
Contact Denise Johnston
Roxbury Town Clerk office
Historic Preservation Commission Notices
Historic Preservation Commission
The Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was established in 2009 to assist in maintaining the integrity of the hamlet without impeding development or reuse of structures.
The Commission has purview over demolition, new construction, façade guildelines, the size and placement of windows and doors, porches, fencing, signage, and roof pitches.
Roxbury Historic District Commission Marker Program
The Roxbury Historic District marker program is intended to increase awareness of Roxbury’s historic past and accentuate its historic buildings. The program supports community and economic development efforts by encouraging heritage tourism and providing residents and visitors alike with tangible emblems of Roxbury’s history.