Friendly Neighbor Policy
Friendly Neighbor Policy
The Town of Roxbury is a quaint area in the Catskill Mountains. Roxbury offers several recreational opportunities, business amenities and dining opportunities, such as the world-renowned Roxbury Motel, the Roxbury at Stratton Falls, Ski Plattekill and Shepard Hills Golf course, to name a few. The Town of Roxbury is comprised of the Town of Roxbury, as well as the hamlets of Grand Gorge and Denver.
As members of the community, we value relationships with our neighbors. Therefore, the Town Board created this policy for all permanent and part-time residents, as well as visitors to the Town of Roxbury. The policy indicates what makes for a friendly neighbor in the Town of Roxbury.
Trespassing is prohibited. Wandering off your property onto a neighbor’s property without permission is considered trespassing.
Be considerate of your neighbors when it comes to noise. Do not disturb neighbors by creating unnecessary disturbances or engaging in disorderly conduct.
Do not block neighbors’ driveways without their permission. Avoid using town parking lots for overnight parking; if on-street parking exists, please abide by the parking signs.
Avoid leaving garbage outside for a significant amount of time to eliminate the possibility of wildlife becoming a nuisance in the neighborhood. If possible, keep garbage left outside in sealed containers at all times.
The Roxbury Transfer Station can be used to dispose of garbage. A sticker can be purchased at the Roxbury Town Hall in order to have access to the Transfer Station. The owner/manager is responsible for garbage pick-up as guests do not have the authority to use Roxbury Transfer Station.
The Town of Roxbury has a Leash Law; therefore, we ask that you keep your dog(s) on a leash when not on your property. We ask that when walking your dog(s) in the village, you ensure that you clean up after your dog(s). Please remember a barking or whining dog is considered noise and might be disturbing your neighbors.
Outside Fires
If having a fire, please keep it contained and refrain from having a fire during the posted burn ban timeframes (typically March to May) and if weather conditions are windy or severely dry. The Roxbury Fire Department typically posts burn ban timeframes each year.
This policy is a suggested guideline for residents and visitors to our community. Failure to abide by the above policy shall not result in an enforcement action by the Town, and violations of the above policy are not punishable by citation, fine, or any other punitive action.