Town Assessor
Bob Breglio (Sole Assessor)
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 189
56 Hillcrest Drive
Roxbury, NY 12474
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:00pm
The assessor’s office does not collect taxes or have records relating to tax bills.
For information about your tax bills contact the appropriate collector:
School Tax Collectors
Roxbury Central School
(518) 872-3139
Margaretville Central School
(845) 586-2647 x121
Stamford Central School
(607) 652-7301
Gilboa-Conesville Central School
(607) 588-7541
In addition to calling the School Tax Collector, you can get information about your bill online by consulting Infotax, where each of the four school districts in the Town of Roxbury are posted: Roxbury, Margaretville, Stamford, Gilboa-Conesville. It is an informative tool that can likely address many questions.
Click on your school district. From there search by owner name, property physical address, tax map number (parcel ID), or tax bill number.
Town Tax Collector
Bonnie Walker
(607) 326-6567
To view and print your town tax bill, go to Town Tax Bills Online.
Search by bill, tax map number, property physical address, or owner name (last name only).
Aerial Imagery
To view your property or any other property anywhere in Delaware County, use the COMIT Map Tool.
Use the search bar to enter owner name, physical address, or parcel ID. (Searching by physical address or tax map is more reliable than an owner name search, as the database may not reflect recent changes in ownership.) It’s important to understand that the boundary lines depicted in this, or any other public mapping tool, are not survey lines and should not be relied upon for accuracy.
Use the DEC Environmental Resource Mapper to view any property in New York, with the ability to see nearby natural resources and how they may impact your property.
For information on assessments and other Real Property matters, see NYS Information for Property Owners .
What to Do When You Disagree with Your Assessment
Informal Meeting
When a property owner disagrees with their assessment, remedies are available, starting with an informal meeting with the assessor. For those who cannot attend in person, an informal meeting may be held by phone.
At an informal meeting, the assessor explains the basis upon which the assessment is made. The owner may submit evidence of valuation of their property at this meeting, but it’s not required. An owner may simply attend, review the information provided by the assessor and leave to decide if further assessment review is warranted on their part.
Adjourned Hearing
If all grievances cannot be heard on grievance day, an adjourned hearing will be scheduled.
When a grievance is filed within three business days preceding grievance, day the Board of Assessment Review (BAR) must grant an assessor’s request for an adjournment to permit the assessor adequate time to prepare a response to a complaint (RPTL 524).
Therefore, any grievance received less than three business days prior to grievance day may be automatically scheduled for an adjourned hearing.
In accordance with Real Property Tax Law, new grievance applications cannot be accepted at an adjourned hearing. You may link to Contest Your Assessment.