Comprehensive Plan
The Town of Roxbury is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a crucial road map that will guide future decisions in the Town of Roxbury. It is not a law; it is a plan that has legal standing when adopted by the Town Board.
It is a proactive document that provides information on the current conditions in the Town as well as establishing a vision and goals for the future and provides strategies to achieve those objectives.
Comprehensive Plans establish policy and direction and serve as the basis for land use regulations.
Comprehensive Plans establish community needs that future grants could be based upon. All New York State grants require grant requests to be consistent with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.
It is a process that encourages significant public engagement to build consensus, and a sense of community for all residents.
A Comprehensive Plan is a living document that should be updated from time to time.
The existing Town of Roxbury Comprehensive Plan is 10 years old and needs to reflect current conditions and needs.
A Comprehensive Plan provides guidance and supports Planning Board project reviews, economic development efforts, and in marketing the Town.
A Comprehensive Plan lays out a vision for the Town to work towards, identifies community needs and offers solutions to meet those needs. The vision and goals are a direct expression of the desires of our community. All land use regulations in a Town must be consistent with the Town’s comprehensive plan.
All New York State grants require grant requests to be consistent with the Town’s comprehensive plan.
The Town Board has hired Nan Stoltzenburg of Planning Better Places as a consultant and appointed a steering committee to facilitate public engagement and development of the plan.
The Steering Committee is comprised of the following residents:
Stephanie Albano
Reneé Barchitta
Rich Cafiero
Simona David
Melissa DelVecchio
Peg Ellsworth
Michael Hynes (Town Council Representative)
Judith Maguire
Michael Mathis
Diane Munro
Laurie Owen
Jenny Rosenzweig
Christopher von Rintein
New maps will be made to show physical conditions in the Town.
The profile and inventory of the Town will be updated to reflect current conditions in Roxbury.
The public will be invited to participate in a variety of ways via:
A zoom launch for pubic information (September 13, 6pm) Link to be posted
Kick-off postcards to be provided to the general public.
Comments on the Roxburyny.com
Interviews with representatives of various groups and locations in Town. (Early Fall 2023)
Focus groups on specific topics of interest in Town. (Fall 2023)
An open house to invite the public to develop an updated vision statement and goals to serve as the foundation of the Plan. (Late Fall or early Winter, 2023/2024)
A town-wide survey to explore the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing Roxbury and prioritization of proposed strategies and actions. (Winter 2024)
Presentation of the draft Plan to the entire Town Board and the residents of the Town of Roxbury.
Two public hearings, County Planning Board Review, Environmental Review
Adoption of the Plan by the Town Board (legally required to be as a resolution of the Board)
The entire process is estimated to take about 18 months to 24 months.
The Comp Plan Committee has been hard at work. We have accomplished a great deal including interviews, focus groups, and a survey (with a response of over 600)! We have also developed all new maps for the Town and collected all new community and demographic data so we can learn more about long-term trends. Below are links to all the mapping and in the next month we should have the survey data available. Watch for more to come!
Click on a map to download (PDF, opens in new window)
EVENT: Zoom Public information Meeting
Wednesday September 13 at 6pm
Meeting ID: 833 9356 8820
Passcode: 458216
In the very near future the communications committee will be adding links to the website via Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat.