Planning Board — Nov. 7, 2012 Minutes

TOWN OF ROXBURY PLANNING  BOARD                                                                                   P.O. BOX 189 MAIN ST.ROXBURY, NY 12474
Phone (607-326-7641)  Fax (607-326-7641)

Joe Farleigh, Chairman
David Cowan, Vice Chairman
Jean D’Antoni, Secretary


PRESENT: Joseph Farleigh, Dave Cowan, Phil Zorda, Dave Zambri, Jean D’Antoni, Robert Cole, excused absence:  Jean Stone and Duncan Martin.

PUBLIC HEARING:  Mountainside Farms Roxbury N.Y.  Mr. Michael Primmer from Delaware Engineering updated the Board on this project.  Mr. Primmer presented the following items to the Board.  Completed Town of Roxbury application for site permit review, tax map showing the location of the existing wastewater treatment plant which is also the site of the future plant, an aerial photo of the construction area and proposed temporary construction storage and spoils area, a topographical map of the impacted area showing the construction area and the temporary storage area.  A section copy of the Delaware County Tax map with owners of abutting parcels within 500 feet of the property line.  A copy of the Town of Roxbury Building Code Ordinance Building Permit for the upgrade project.  Residents of abutting parcels reviewed the plans and there was no objection to the plan.  Submitted receipts of mailings to surrounding home owners.


Open Meeting:  Meeting called to order.  Minutes of October 17, 2012 were motioned for approval by Dave Zambri, seconded by Phil Zorda, all in favor, motioned carried.

Boundary Line Adjustment:  Verona Country Store Grand Gorge NY.  Michael DeGroat representing Mr. Verona. Tax Map # 91.2-4-5 and 91.2-4-4.  Lot consolidation of adjacent lots upon which Country Store is located to form one lot of 1.120 acres upon which all improvements are located.  North Westerly corner intersection of NYS Route 23 and NYS Route 30, Hamlet of Grand Gorge.  Motion to approve this boundary line adjustment by Phil Zorda, seconded by Dave Cowan, all in favor, motion approved.  Check for $40.00 was received; check #3977 10/30/12.

SUBDIVISION:  Robert Allison representing Mrs.Adeline Wojciechowski Lower Meeker Hollow Road Roxbury NY.  Would like to subdivide parcel 177.-1-1 into two lots and adjust boundary line to incorporate purchased corner parcel 155-2-9.111.  Total acreage 107.  Will need new survey map and deep pit testing, notice to be sent to adjoining property owners.  Will classify as a minor subdivision.  This property is also in the Ag district.  Public hearing in January 2013 agenda.

SUBDIVISION:  Barbara Evangelista 2 lot subdivision Sally’s Alley Denver Vega.  Tax Map # 179-1-1-2 and 179-1-1.6.  New deed was presented showing the subdivided parcel.  SEQR form filled out, soil tests submitted, submitted receipts of surrounding home owners notification.  Received check for $50.00 check #1334.  Motion to approve this minor subdivision by Dave Cowan, seconded by Robert Cole, all in favor, motion carried.
Motion to approve negative declaration by Dave Cowan, seconded by Robert Cole, all infavor, motion carried.

The Board met with the Town Board members in reviewing the Comprehensive Plan.Packets were given out for review.  Joe Farleigh gave an update on the workings of the Comprehensive Plan to date.  Suggestions were made and the Town Board felt they needed some more time to review the Plan.

Mountainside Farms: Joe Farleigh and Board filled out Long Form SEQR form and Environmental assessment SEQR form filled out. Motion to declare negative declaration of environmental impact by Phil Zorda, seconded by Dave Cowan, all in favor, motion carried.  Motion to approve this under our Site Plan Review by Phil Zorda, seconded byRobert Cole, all in favor, motion carried.  Check received on November 28, 2012 for$150.00 for Site Plan Review.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm by Joe Farleigh, seconded by Jean D’Antoni, all in favor, Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:
Jean D’Antoni


NOTICE — Planning Board Public Hearing, Feb 20, 2013


NOTICE — Planning Board Meeting Schedule