PLANNING BOARD — Jan 16, 2013 Minutes

TOWN OF ROXBURY PLANNING BOARD                                           P.O. BOX 189 MAIN ST., ROXBURY, NY 12474
Phone (607-326-7641) Fax (607-326-7641)

Joe Farleigh, Chairman
David Cowan, Vice Chairman
Jean D’Antoni, Secretary

MINUTES FOR January 16, 2013

PRESENT: Chairman Joe Farleigh, VP Dave Cowan, Phil Zorda, Dave Zambri, Robert Cole, Jean Stone and Duncan Martin. Jean D’Antoni excused absence.

A motion was made by Phil Zorda to approve the minutes of the last meeting, Dave Zambri seconded, all in favor, motion passed.

MINOR SUBDIVISION: Rob Allison represented The Jack De Stefano Family Trust. Tax map #223.00-1-10 in the Town of Roxbury. A sketch plan was presented for the subdivision of said parcel into 2 lots of 51.7 and 95.67 acres with Fred Beemer. A copy of the deed is needed. This proposal will be moved to the agenda for next month.

Duncan questioned the fact that there was a cemetery on one of the parcels that the city would own. Language may be needed confirming that the family will retain access to and use of the cemetery. Rob will look into this.

The specific steps to move forward with presentation of the Plan were reviewed, including the possibility of the Town Board and the Planning Board holding a joint public meeting. Diane will schedule the public meeting.

Duncan made some suggestions to better correlate and tighten up the Plan. He will forward these to Nan to streamline the final Plan.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm by Joe Farleigh.

Respectfully submitted by
Jean Stone for Jean D’Antoni


Town Board Meeting Agenda — March 11, 2013


NOTICE — Draft Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing, March 11, 2013