Planning Board — February 10, 2013 Minutes

P.O. BOX 189 Main St.

Phone (607-326-7641)
Fax (607-326-7641)
Joe Farleigh, Chairman
David Cowan, Vice Chairman
Jean D’Antoni, Secretary


PRESENT: Joseph Farleigh, Dave Cowan, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Bob Cole,
JeanD’Antoni, and Duncan Martin from Delaware County.  Excused Absence: Dave Zambri.

Dave Cowan opened Public Hearing at 6:45 pm.  Adam Yagelsi represented Nan Stolzenburg for the Hearing.  Adam presented a slide show of the work that has been done to date.  He explained how we arrived with the recommendations that were presented. Three members of the community attended the Hearing.

All three responded well to the presentation, but one member stated that we should be doing more to advertise the Public Hearing.  It was explained that we did infact advertise in the paper, online and throughout the community.  If anyone was interested they would have come to the meeting.  It was also suggested that after this Plan is adopted by the Town Board and goes forward, that some groups get together in Grand Gorge and Roxbury and begin serious talks.  Adoption of this Plan will give the Delaware County Planning Board the opportunity to apply for grant applications and monies.


OPEN MEETING: Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm, by Joe Farleigh.  Minutes of January 16, 2013 were motioned for approval by Phil Zorda, seconded by Dave Cowan, all in favor, motioned carried.

SUBDIVISION: Jack DeStefano Trust Tax map# 223.00-1-10 Little Redkill Road Town of Roxbury NY. Public Hearing notice for this two lot  subdivision was not advertised in the newspaper. Notices To the adjacent homeowners were sent out and Rob Allison presented the receipts. One homeowner was present. The Board waived the Public Hearing announcement in the paper. If anyone objects to this, then the Board will have another Public Hearing for this subdivision Mr. Allison presented the Soils report, Subdivision Application, Letter of Representation, copy of Deed. Joe Farleigh filled out the Short Environmental Assessment Form.  Motion to approve negative declaration by Joe, seconded by Jean Stone, all in favor, motion carried.  Motion to approve minor two lot subdivision by Dave Cowan, seconded by Bob Cole, all in favor, motion carried. Rob Allison presented Check #614 for $50.00.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. by Joe Farleigh, seconded by Jean D’Antoni, all in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jean D’Antoni


NOTICE — Town Board Meeting, May 21, 2013


Town Board Meeting Agenda — May 13, 2013