Historic Preservation Commission — March 18, 2013 Minutes

Meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission
Monday, March 18, 2013
7:00 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall

Commission members:
Douglas Kadow
Lewis Wendell
Martin Lerner
Teleconferencing: Billy Allison, Michael Mathis
Also present: Karina M. Walker

Meeting brought to order at 7:13 pm by Douglas Kadow.

No minutes to approve from previous meeting.

1.1 Karina Walker presents the commission with an application for work at 116 Lake
Street, owner Mary Anne Warren. The commission determines that although the property in question is within the Roxbury Historic District, it is a non-contributing property. Questions are raised regarding how best to handle review of projects taking place on properties that fall under this category. It is decided that this project falls outside the commission’s purview and a letter to that effect will be sent to the homeowner upon approval by the commission via e-mail.

It is also agreed that the commission will pursue the establishment of procedural guidelines for handling of applications and follow-up of cases. The commission agrees to form a subcommittee to work with Karina Walker to draft these guidelines. Karina Walker will contact members of this committee to arrange a meeting.

1.2 The commission reviews an application for work at 40 Roosevelt ave, owner Clint
Goodchild. Lewis Wendell agrees to visit the property and assess whether the work in
question can be seen from the street. Karina Walker will confirm whether the property is contributing or non-contributing and will contact the commission with that information.
The commission determines that if the work in question cannot be seen from the street, the project will be given the go-ahead.

1.3 The Commission reviews and application for signage installation at 54155 State
Highway 30. Questions were raised regarding the materials to be used, as well as some
concerns regarding the design of the signs. The Commission appoints Lewis Wendell as case manager. Lewis Wendell will speak to Philip Lenihan regarding these concerns and will report to the commission. The commission determines that a decision on this project will be postponed until a future date.

1.4 Karina Walker requests that the commission vote to approve the website project
discussed several months prior. The commission had been presented with an estimate for
the creation of a password protected secure sub-site for the RHPC. This site would serve as a repository for RHPC documentation, and would only be accessible to commission
members. Doug Kadow moves to approve the project, Lewis Wendell seconds.

On motion by Douglas Kadow second Michael Mathis, the RHPC meeting is adjourned.
Meeting adjourned 8:13 pm.
Minutes taken by Karina M. Walker


Town Board Agenda — July 8, 2013


Town Board — June 10, 2013 Minutes