Town Board — July 8, 2013 Minutes


The regular meeting of the Town Board was held July 8, 2013 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall.  Present were:  Supervisor Thomas S. Hynes, Councilmen Gene Cronk, Edward Raeder, Allen Hinkley and Carol Murray, Hwy. Supt. Stephen Schuman, Attorney Kevin Young and 5 residents.

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Carol Murray the Minutes of the June 10, 2013 regular meeting were approved.

AYES – 5 Cronk, Murray, Raeder, Hinkley, Hynes

NAYS – 0

Carol O’Beirne and Aaron Bennett of the East Branch Recreation Project were present to update the Town Board on the status of the project.  A handout was given to the Board including a map and description of access points.  Specific issues of concern in the Town of Roxbury include lack of parking, lack of handicap parking lack of signage and putting together a map of NYC DEP lands open for recreation.  The Board was asked to look into addressing the remediation of these issues through possible grant funds.

Peg Ellsworth discussed the status of various grant work, stated that Karina Walker is no longer the Community Resource/Parks Clerk and offered assistance with office coverage a few days a week through the M-ARK Project contract, stated the Labor Day event is on schedule, a ribbon cutting and picnic is scheduled  for July 23 @ 4:00 pm for the opening of the newly renovated Park barn, the HUD grant is looking for more applications and discussed other grant application openings available at the M-ARK Project.

Councilman Cronk expressed concerns with the M-ARK Project installing a commercial kitchen in the basement of the Gold Seal building as discussed at the June meeting mainly because of water issues in that location.  Mr. Cronk and Peg Ellsworth will meet at the site to discuss the matter more.

Highway Supt. Steve Schuman gave the Board a report on work crews that are doing stone & oil on several roads, ditch repairs, stated the new truck is expected to arrive this month and would like to sell the 1999 tri-axle truck at auction.

Supv. Hynes stated that William Lawrence has again graciously offered to get the Grand Gorge Civic Center ball field in shape this year.

Councilman Hinkley has received a request to dedicate the bridge on Cold Spring Rd. in honor of Jean Marie Collins who always walked the road and perished in the World Trade Center attack in New York City in 2001.  Supv. Hynes will speak to the County as it is a County owned bridge.

A letter was received from Karina Walker resigning as Community Resource/Parks Clerk effective July 7, 2013.  The matter was discussed for a replacement

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Carol Murray the Town Board approved the monthly report of the Town Clerk for June 2013 in the amount of $1,740.86 (Town Clerk $815.86 and Building Permits $925.00).

AYES – 5 Cronk, Murray, Raeder, Hinkley, Hynes

NAYS – 0

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Carol Murray the Town Board approved the monthly report of the Supervisor for April 2013.

AYES – 5 Raeder, Murray, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes

NAYS – 0

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Carol Murray the Town Board approved the monthly Report of the Supervisor for May 2013.

AYES – 5 Raeder, Murray, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes

NAYS – 0

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the Town Board approved the monthly report of the Assessor for June 2013.

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes

NAYS – 0

There was no monthly report received from the Building Inspector.

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Edward Raeder the Town Board approved the monthly water receipts report for Denver, Grand Gorge and Roxbury Water Districts for June 2013.

AYES – 5 Cronk, Raeder, Hinkley, Murray, Hynes

NAYS – 0

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Carol Murray the Town Board approved the monthly report of the Justice Court for April 2013 in the amount of $4,537.50.

AYES – 5 Raeder, Murray, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes

NAYS – 0

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Carol Murray the Town Board approved the monthly report of the Justice Court for May 2013 in the amount of $3,043.75.

AYES – 5 Raeder, Murray, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes

NAYS – 0

Discussion took place on the report of days worked for retirement reporting.


On motion of Carol Murray second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Roxbury hereby establishes the following as standard work days for elected and appointed officials and will report the following days worked to the New York State and Local Employee’s Retirement System based on the record of activities maintained and submitted by these officials to the clerk of this body,


Title Name Standard

Work Day


Record of
Time Worked
Days Per Month (based on record of Activities)
Tax Collector Joan Moore 8 1/1/12-12/31/13 N 7
Justice Wayne R. Pebler 8 1/1/10-12/31/13 N 5.25
Justice Heather Gockel 8 1/1/13-12/31/16 N .5
Supt. of Highways Stephen A. Schuman 8 1/1/12-12/31/15 N 24.9
Town Clerk Diane L. Pickett 8 1/1/12-12/31/15 N 22.17
Councilman Allen Hinkley 8 1/1/10-12/31/13 N .5


Bookkeeper/Dpty. Town Clerk #1/Budget Officer/Dpty. Registrar Carolynn Faraci 8 1/1/12-12/31/12 Y
Assessor Clerk Stephanie Seminara 8 1/1/12-12/31/12 Y
Building Inspector William Walcutt 8 1/1/13/12/31/13 To be

by NYS


AYES – 5 Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes

NAYS – 0


On motion of Gene Cronk second by Allen Hinkley the Town Board approved the Tax Collector  report for 2013 Town & County taxes.

AYES – 5 Cronk, Hinkley, Raeder, Murray, Hynes

NAYS – 0

Discussion took place on service of Notice of Claim on the Town.  A new law now also allows the Notice of Claim to be filed directly with the Secretary of State as another option for people.  The Secretary of State would then notify the Town of the claim.


On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS General Municipal Law, §53 requires towns to file a certificate with the Secretary of State designating the Secretary of State as an agent for service of a notice of claim; and

WHEREAS, General Municipal Law, §53 requires the certificate to include the applicable time limit for filing the notice of claim and the name, post office address and electronic mail address, if available, of an officer, person, for the transmittal of notices of claim served upon the Secretary as the town’s agent; and

WHEREAS,  pursuant to General Municipal Law, §50-e(1)(a), the applicable time limit for the filing of a notice of claim upon a town is 90 days after the claim arises, or in the case of a wrongful death action, 90 days from the appointment of a representative of the decedent’s estate;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Roxbury, County of Delaware designates Thomas S. Hynes, in his capacity as  Town Supervisor to receive notices of claims  served upon the Secretary of State by mail at PO Box 189, 53690 State Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY  12474 and email at

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby directs the Town Clerk to file the required certificate with the Secretary of State informing him or her of the town’s designation and applicable time limitation for filing a notice of claim with the town on or before July 14, 2013.”

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes

NAYS – 0

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Allen Hinkley the Town Board approved the destruction of certain Town records as follows:

SARA # Description of Record Dates SARA Yrs.
2.594a Tentative Tax Roll 2007 5 years after filing
23.634 Handicapped Parking Permit App. (Permanent) 1998-2009 3 years after expiration
23.634 Handicapped Parking Permit App. (Temporary) 1998-2009 3 years after expiration
5.349 Highway Time Book 1952 6 years
5.349 Highway Time Book 1969-1975 6 years

AYES – 5 Raeder, Hinkley, Cronk, Murray, Hynes

NAYS – 0

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the Town Board approved the destruction of certain Town equipment as follows:

Description Model # Serial # Reason
Canon PC430 Copier STP32039 Doesn’t copy-too old
to get parts to fix

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes

NAYS – 0

Discussion took place on the Computer Use Policy adopted by the Town Board on June 10, 2013.  The Town Clerk expressed concerns that the Town Clerk should not be the System Administrator.


On motion of Carol Murray second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Roxbury adopted a policy on June 10, 2013 governing the Town’s employees, authorized volunteers and contractors with regard to the use of the Town’s computers, electronic mail (e-mail) system and Internet access; and

WHEREAS, said policy named the Town Clerk as System Administrator; and

WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Town Board that the System Administrator should be the Town Supervisor;

THEREFORE, NOW BE IT RESOLVED THAT:  The Town Board of the Town of Roxbury hereby amends the Computer Use Policy to state that the Town Supervisor shall  serve as the System Administrator.”

AYES – 5 Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes

NAYS – 0

The Annual Report of Good Neighbor Fund has been filed with NYC DEP.  The report is for the period 7/1/12-6/30/13.

A letter was received from Cheryl McGinnis resigning as School Crossing Guard effective June 12, 2013.


On motion of Gene Cronk second by Carol Murray the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, Karina Walker has resigned her position as Community Resource/Parks clerk effective July 7, 2013;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board, Town of Roxbury approves the hiring of Katie Camillone as Community Resource/ Parks effective immediately; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED payment for time worked shall be made by reimbursement to the M-ARK Project Inc. where she is also employed.”

AYES – 5 Cronk, Murray, Raeder, Hinkley, Hynes

NAYS – 0

The August 12, 2013 regular meeting of the Town Board will be held at the Grand Gorge Civic Center at 7:30 pm.

The Personnel Committee will meet with Ken Ritzenburg of Young & Sommer to discuss updating the Employee handbook.

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Allen Hinkley the bills were audited and ordered paid in the following amounts:

General #263-301 $29,425.64 Special Lights #9 $26.10
Highway #132-154 $212,379.93 Capital Projects:
Roxbury Water #46-56 $4,084.46 Kirkside Park Prog. #201 $70.00
Grand Gorge Water #50-62 $34,811.19 Kirkside Park Construct. #202 $18,500.00
Denver Water #46-54 $2,013.99 Lake St Construct #203-204 $7,409.50
Roxbury Sewer #54-61 $26,777.13 HUD Program #205 $2000.00
Denver Sewer #59-70 $28,554.26 Comp Plan #206 $275.80

AYES – 5 Cronk, Hinkley, Raeder, Murray, Hynes

NAYS – 0

On motion of Carol Murray second by Edward Raeder the meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.



Diane Pickett, Town Clerk

Thomas S. Hynes, Supervisor

Gene Cronk, Councilman

Edward Raeder, Councilman

Allen Hinkley, Councilman

Carol Murray, Councilwoman


Town Board Agenda - August 12


NOTICE — Planning Board Meeting Cancelled