Historic Preservation Commission - October 21, 2013, Minutes


Historic Preservation Commission
Meeting October 21, 2013

Members Present are:

Doug Kadow
Phil Lenihan
Martin Lerner
Lewis Wendell

Meeting was called to order at 7:07pm


Application for Bodyworks sign and Historic Marker Brochure

Lewis motions to approve minutes of previous meeting after addition of application description. Doug seconds.


Lewis suggests that the proposed sign in the new application is too large. He suggests the sign be no larger than 24×24 inches. All unanimously agree to approve the application with these size restrictions.

Historic Markers:

Doug suggests that the date on the historic markers should be the biggest and most visible writing. Phil proposes there be different levels of participation. Lewis recommends having 3 uniform sizes with the amount of lines for description varying from 3-4 lines to 10 lines. He also suggests there be uniform identifying factors so people will know what information they can expect to find on these markers. The members also discussed the idea of offering a report with historical information that goes with the plaque as something that could be given to the homeowner’s in the ceremony with the plaque.

The members agreed that Lewis will make a few changes to the brochure and send to Peg Ellsworth to review. Phil will look into pricing from a manufacturer in Bloomsville.

Doug motions to adjourn and Phil seconds. All are in favor.

Meeting is adjourned at 8:05

The next RHPC meeting will be November 18, 2013 at 7:00pm.


Town Board Special Meeting - December 27, 2013


Town Board Agenda - December 9, 2013