Just Desserts: A Volunteer Appreciation Event, at the Roxbury Arts Center, Saturday April 12, 2014, 3:00pm

Telephone: 607.326.7908
Email: mcullen@roxburyartsgroup.org

F O R  I M M E D I A T E  R E L E A S E

Its National Volunteer Appreciation Week and The Roxbury Arts Group invites you to a Volunteer Appreciation Event
The Nancy Harding Volunteer Service Award Inaugural
At the Roxbury Arts Center – 5025 Vega Mountain Rd., 
Roxbury NY 12474
Saturday, April 12th, 2014, 3:00 PM
Visit www.roxburyartsgroup.org or call 607.326.7908

This week is National Volunteer Appreciation Week and out of a sincere respect for all the volunteers that have passed through its doors, The Roxbury Arts Group (RAG) will give thanks to them at a Volunteer Appreciation Event, 3:00 pm on Saturday, April 12, 2014, at the Roxbury Arts Center, 5025 Vega Mountain Road, Roxbury, NY. The RAG staff and board of directors will be on hand to recognize and honor the many volunteers who collectively logged in over 2,000 hours of service last year, as well as announce the two volunteers who will be presented with the first annual Nancy Harding Volunteer Service Award. The community is welcome to come and help celebrate at this dessert potluck event.

2014 marks the 35th season the Roxbury Arts Group has been operating as a not-for-profit multi-arts organization, but it was actually closer to 40 years ago that a volunteer, along with a group of friends, decided to ‘bring the arts to the community’. It was from this ‘wanting to have some art in the community’ fueled by the dedication of one volunteer and a group of friends that The Roxbury Arts Group was born. And ‘that volunteer’ was Nancy Harding, who later became RAG’s first executive director. “Nancy Harding exemplifies how one person through volunteering and with the use of their imagination, can make a difference in their community. When it came time to name the award, it was unanimous that the volunteer award would be called The Nancy Harding Volunteer Service Award”, said Jenny Rosenzweig, Roxbury Arts Group’s current executive director.

“Volunteers are the heart, sweat and soul behind any not-for-profit organization,” said Rosenzweig. “Our volunteers are the best. Without their dedication and support, The Roxbury Arts Group would not have the fortitude to maintain our schedule of administering the Decentralization Grants, presenting all the many events, performances, workshops, gallery exhibits, youth camps and after school programs throughout Delaware County.”

National Volunteer Week is all about inspiring, recognizing and encouraging people to seek out original and inventive ways to engage in their communities. Come to the potluck dessert Volunteer Appreciation Event in honor of The Roxbury Arts Group’s volunteers, bring a dish, be inspired and perhaps discover how you might volunteer! For more information, please visit www.roxburyartsgroup.org or call 607.326.7908.

The programs of the Roxbury Arts Group are made possible in part by the support of the New York State Council on the Arts, the A. Lindsay and Olive B. O’Connor Foundation, the Robinson Broadhurst Foundation and by the generous donations from individual community members like you.


Town Board Meeting Agenda - April 14, 2014


Grievance Day: May 29, 2014