September 15, 2014 - Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2014

A meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held September 15, 2014 at 7:12 p.m. at the Roxbury Town Hall.  Present Lewis Wendell on conference call, Chairman, Commission Members Michael Mathis, Philip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson on conference call.

On motion of Lewis Wendell seconded by Philip Lenihan June’s minutes were approved.

AYES-4 Philip Lenihan, Michael Mathis, By phone Lewis Wendell & Nicole Haroldson

On motion by Michael Mathis seconded by Lewis Wendell August minutes were approved.

AYES-3 Michael Mathis, Lewis Wendell-by phone, Philip Lenihan

Lewis Wendell to follow up with Carolynn Faraci to insure that a approval letter has been sent regarding the Hamil/Anderson application.

Michael Mathis noted that the Town Attorney informed Carolynn that a Building Permit has been issued to Darrell Later.  Town Attorney to provide a letter of explanation to Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission.

Lewis Wendell has received prototype plaque from Catskill Castings.  Changes to Prototype have been communicated to Catskill Castings.  Final to come.

Photo-shopped diagram to be submitted by Lewis Wendell to Town Board for proposed Public Parking signage on Main Street Roxbury.

On motion by Lewis Wendell seconded by Philip Lenihan meeting adjourned at 7:25.

AYES-3 Lewis Wendell-by Phone, Philip Lenihan, Michael Mathis


Zonder Kennedy to Perform at Orphic Gallery on Saturday, September 20


NOTICE: Auditions for “The Variety Show: A Catskill Follies Fundraiser for the Roxbury Arts Group