Agenda - Roxbury Town Board Meeting - January 2, 2015

Organizational Meeting
January 2, 2015

Town Hall

Call To Order   7:30 pm
Minutes  December 8th Regular and 29th Special Meeting

Requests to Speak:

Department Reports:
Water / Sewer
Building & Grounds
Building Inspector
Community Resources
Old Business
New Business

Letters to the Board:

Discussion from residents



·       Resolution –  Appointments & Committees
·       Resolution – Supv. Appointment of Deputy Supervisor
·       Resooution – Supv. Appointment of Bookkeeper
·       Resolution – Hwy. Supt. appointment of Dpty. Hwy. Supt.
·       Resolution – Town Clerk appointment of Deputy Town Clerk #1
·       Resolution – Official Undertaking manner and verbiage for appointed officials
·       Resolution – Town Board meeting schedule for 2015 (2nd Mondays @ 7:30 pm @ Town Hall, March meeting changed to March 2nd, April & August @GG Civic Center and November meeting is Thursday Nov. 5th)
·       Resolution – Planning Board meeting schedule for 2015 (third Wednesdays @ 7:30 pm Town Hall)
·       Resolution – Historic Preservation Commission meeting schedule for 2015 (third Saturdays @10:00 am Town Hall)
·       Resolution – authorize prepayment of bills received by March 6th due to meeting change date
·       Resolution – reappoint Lewis Wendell and Michael Mathis to Historic Preservation Commission terms to expire 12/31/17
·       Resolution – Agreement to Spend Highway Moneys
·       Resolution – Procurement Policy reviewed and re-adopt or changes needed
·       Resolution – Investment Policy reviewed and re-adopt or changes needed
·       Resolution – Sexual Harassment Policy reviewed and re-adopt or changes needed
·       Resolution – Computer Use Policy reviewed and re-adopt or changes needed
·       Resolution – Local Privacy Notification Policy reviewed and re-adopt or changes needed
·       Resolution – Code of Ethics reviewed and re-adopt or changes needed
·       Resolution – Workplace Violence Prevention Policy reviewed and re-adopt or changes needed
·       Resolution – Employee Handbook reviewed and re-adopt or  changes needed
·       Resolution – Police Policy reviewed and re-adopt or changes needed
·       Resolution – designate Supervisor & Deputy Supervisor as check signers
·       Resolution – Atlantic-Inland of Cortland as Fire Inspectors
·       Resolution – Catskill Mountain News official newspaper
·       Resolution – NBT Bank N.A. and National Bank of Delaware County for banking
·       Resolution – Mostert, Manzanaro & Scott, LLP as Town CPA’s
·       Resolution – mileage rate $_______/mile
·       Resolution – payment to Legion Posts $150 each as budgeted
·       Resolution – payment to Roxbury Fire District for polling site $300 as budgeted
·       Resolution – payment to Roxbury Library $11,000 as budgeted
·       Resolution – payment to Roxbury & GG Sr. Clubs $150 each as budgeted
·       Resolution – Delaware County Planning Dept. contract for 2015 in the amount of $3,500
·       Resolution – Town Clerk monthly Report for Dec. 2014
·       Resolution –  Supervisor’s monthly Report for Nov. 2014
·       Resolution – Assessor’s monthly report for Dec. 2014
·       Resolution – HUD Program funds monthly report for Dec. 2014
·       Resolution – Building Inspector monthly report for Dec. 2014
·       Resolution – monthly water receipts report for Dec. 2014 (Denver-GG-Roxbury)
·       Resolution – Historic Preservation Commission Member (term thru 12/31/15)
·       Resolution – place $1,216.92 in a Capital Reserve for Roxbury Sewer
·       Resolution – CDL Consortium Agreement 2015 (Highway Dept.)
·       Planning Board training hours as of 12/31/14 distributed to Town Board
·       Town Clerk annual report of receipts/disbursements for 2014 distributed to Town Board
·       Highway Dept. equipment list distributed to Town Board
·       Open Building Permit list thru 12/31/14 distributed to Town Board
·       Good Neighbor Fund balance as of 12/31/14 distributed to Town Board

REMINDERS:    Additional Board of Assessment Review members for re-val 2015


Notice - Historic Preservation Commission 2015 Meeting Schedule


December 20, 2014 - Historic Preservation Commission Special Meeting Minutes