Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes - January 17, 2015


A meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held January 17, 2015 at 10:09 a.m. at the Roxbury Town Hall.  Present Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members Nicole Haroldson, Margaret Ellsworth. Also present Carolynn Faraci, Commission Clerk.

On motion of Margaret Ellsworth, seconded by Lewis Wendell December’s minutes were approved as presented.

Ayes-3 Margaret Ellsworth, Lewis Wendell Nicole Haroldson

Margaret Ellsworth spoke with Jenny Rosenzweig and she is not interested in becoming a Commission member of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission.

Lewis Wendell was going to talk with Douglas McLaurine about becoming a commission member.

Margaret Ellsworth was going to talk with Eric Kalleberg about becoming a commission member.

Margaret Ellsworth has applied to O’Connor Foundation for funding for the historic plaque.

Shepard Hills Golf Course that is located in the historic district of Roxbury is facing new dam safety rules.

This property was once part of the Gould Estate.

Margaret Ellsworth with be speaking to the Roxbury Town Board about having meetings quarterly, unless there is an application that needs to reviewed.

Lewis Wendell presented the commission with the Roxbury Historic District Commission Marker Program brochure.

On motion by Margaret Ellsworth seconded by Nicole Haroldson meeting adjourned at 10:44 a.m.

AYES-3 Margaret Ellsworth, Nicole Haroldson, Lewis Wendell


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