The Roxbury Arts Group (RAG) EncouRAGes the Art Of Writing

The Roxbury Arts Group (RAG) EncouRAGes the Art Of Writing Writers’ Evenings Meet Every 3rd Monday at Stamford Village Library Writers Signed Up for February 16, 2015

Stamford Village Library, 117 Main Street, Stamford, NY  12167
Telephone: 607.326.7908
online at

The Roxbury Arts Group (RAG) continues to encouRAGe the Art of Writing and invites community members to join them as local writers present new works in progress at Writers’ Evening.  A moderated Q&A period follows each reading.  Writers scheduled to read February 16, 2015 are Glen Lisenbardt, Phil Potak, Will Henry, Ginny Mahoney, Melody DeGregorio and Mike Kane.  Light refreshments are made available.  There is no fee, but donations are greatly appreciated.  Make sure to check out what else is going on in the Stamford Village Library whilst you are there.  It all starts at 7:00 pm and runs till 9:30 pm, at the Stamford Village Library, 117 Main Street, Stamford, NY. Writers’ Evening will be cancelled only if on Monday afternoon Stamford Central School were to be cancelled due to bad weather, snowstorm, hurricane or natural devastation. Writers’ Evening will not be deterred by rain and flurries.  For more information regarding Writers’ Evening, please email Maggie Cullen at, or visit

The program is supported by the New York State Council on the arts, the A. Lindsay and Olive B. O’Connor Foundations, the Robinson-Broadhurst Foundation, and the generosity of our business sponsors and individual donors like you.


BID NOTICE for Hauling Materials


The Roxbury Arts Group (RAG) offers Youth Dance Classes