Planning Board Meeting Approved Minutes - April 15, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Joe Farleigh, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Jill Ribich, alternate, and Molly Oliver of Delaware County Planning Dept.

Absent: Rob Cole, Dave Zambri, Melanie Lee

Also Present: Rob Allison, Project Manager and Surveyor for the Roxbury at Stratton Falls, Allyson Phillips of Young-Summer, Atty. representing the town of Roxbury.

Chairman Farleigh called the meeting to order at 7:25 PM

Motion to approve minutes of March meeting: Proposed by Phil Zorda, seconded by Dave Cowan;  all in Favor.

Mike Sheehan asked to be heard on the matter of the Roxbury at Stratton Falls. He was informed by Atty. Phillips that the public hearing had been held and closed and no further comments were being accepted at this time. Mr. Sheehan left the meeting at 7:40 PM.

Molly Oliver stated that the Delaware County Planning board has yet to review and vote on the applications prepared by the Roxbury at Stratton Falls and must do so before the Roxbury Town Planning Board can vote on the matter.

Ms. Phillips presented a written Negative Declaration for board consideration stating the scope of the project which acts are part two of the SERQA short form.  She also presented a “Resolution of the Planning Board of the town of Roxbury Adopting a Negative Declaration for Project Known as the Roxbury at Stratton Falls”. Mr. Farleigh read each point in the form and each was discussed and answers agreed upon by the board.  One change to the document was on point one: Impact on Land, changing the impact from “no anticipated significant impacts” to “moderate but not significant anticipated impact. Factors judged to affect land use are the addition of five buildings, swimming pool and parking.  The proposed plan mitigates environmental impacts of these additions sufficiently for a declaration of negative impact to be supported.

Mr. Zorda proposed to accept the Resolution with the changes, seconded by Jean Stone, all in favor.

Mr. Zorda proposed that the resolutions be presented to the County Planning Board. Seconded by Dave Cowan. All in favor.

Mr. Cowan made a Motion to engage Young-Summer as consultants to assist the Planning board in review of the project and be compensated for this assistance. Seconded by Phil Zorda, all in favor.

Vic Fairbairn of Victor J. Fairbairn Land Surveying presented a map showing a boundary line adjustment request for the premises of Dwight L. Edwards being a portion of Lot nos. 27 & 36 of the first division of Great Lot No. 19 within the Hardenburgh Patent. Tax Map No. 123.45-6-78. Mr. Edwards owns both lots so there was no objection to the boundary line adjustment.

Motion to approve by Jean Stone, seconded by Phil Zorda; all in favor.

Mr. Fairbairn gave the Planning board a check in the amount of $40 for the boundary adjustment fee.

Chairman Farleigh presented a letter addressed to Melanie Lee thanking her for her service to the Town Planning Board and informing her that due to several absences she was no longer a member of the board.  Mr. Cowan made a motion to terminate Mrs. Lee as a member of the Town Planning Board. Seconded by Jean Stone. All in favor.

Mr. Farleigh opened discussion regarding a new board member as a replacement of Mrs. Lee. Several names were presented by board members. These people will be contacted about their desire to serve on the board. One will be chosen.

Mr. Zorda moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 PM. Seconded by Jean Stone; all in favor.

Minutes taken by Jill Ribich, Secretary


Roxbury Town Board Approved Meeting Minutes - April 13, 2015


Notice of Inventory and Valuation Data