Roxbury Town Board Approved Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2015

May 11, 2015

The regular meeting of the Town Board was held May 11, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall.  PRESENT: Supervisor Thomas S. Hynes, Councilmen Edward Raeder, Gene Cronk and Allen Hinkley, Highway Supt. Stephen Schuman, Building Inspector William Walcutt, Town Attorney Kevin Young and 7 residents.  ABSENT: Councilwoman Carol Murray due to illness.

The Minutes of the April 13, 2015 meeting were approved on motion of Edward Raeder second by Gene Cronk.

AYES-4 Raeder, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes
NAYS – 0
ABSENT-1 Murray

Supervisor Hynes thanked Dpty. Supervisor Raeder for filling in for him at the April meeting.

Highway Supt. Stephen Schuman reported crews have been busy doing the annual cleaning at the garage, getting roads ready for repairs, will make repairs to Matt Schwille Rd. instead of the lower section of West Settlement Rd. this year due to  major repairs needed, reported we should be receiving approximately $260K+/- from the CHIPS program this year due to additional winter recovery funds, reclaiming of the Rodrigues gravel mine will begin this year, he will need to replace the pressure washer at an estimated cost of $4,400 if it can’t be repaired and will try to get one where it will include servicing, discussed recalls on the Dodge trucks and will again look into the water pressure problems at the garage.

The Highway Dept. was thanked for doing the repairs at the Transfer Station.

A possible water leak at the intersection of State Hwy 23 & Park Lane Trailer Park Rd. in Grand Gorge is being looked into by the water operator.

Councilmen Allen Hinkley and Gene Cronk met with the Transfer Station Mgr. David Dumond to discuss necessary repairs  needed at the site that include replacing the C&D box walls with new concrete, work needed to the office building and repairs needed on the steel floor plate in the compactor building. Councilman Hinkley will look into prices for the concrete walls for the C&D box, the office building work will be looked into further and the steel plate work may be able to be repaired in-house by the highway dept.

Building Inspector William Walcutt reported on two new houses being built, the Zoll property in Grand Gorge has been auctioned and sold to a bank, he met with Lamont Eng. to conduct a walk thru of the interior of the Lilly house (old Reed’s Hotel) that needs a great amount of repairs.  Some of the outbuildings are expected to be demolished by the owner.  The Town Board expressed concerns with the old bar building having the doors removed and felt it should be boarded up due to public safety issues.  The Building Inspector will contact the owner to board up the openings.

Assessor Robert Breglio was absent due to illness but supplied a written report for the Board.  Elizabeth Estelle questioned the contents of the letter received from Stephen Walker regarding re-val issues.  The letter was not read but it was stated that he expressed concerns with some taxpayers who contacted him expressing complaints of their meeting with the Assessor regarding their new assessment.  Mrs. Estelle stated she also had been contacted by several taxpayers expressing complaints of their meetings with the Assessor, she again expressed concerns with increased taxes especially on farms and fixed income/elderly persons requesting that their assessment changes be  “phased in” over a couple of  years, she stated meeting with Assemblyman Lopez regarding the re-val and taxes and questioned how much money the Town received to complete the re-val and expressed concerns with formulas used for land values. Other than Councilman Raeder who had spoken with one taxpayer expressing complaints when meeting with the Assessor, no other Board member stated having been contacted by anyone.  Attorney Kevin Young explained that the Assessor must follow the State guidelines for assessing where he can’t assess based on who the owner is but rather by what the property is, he discussed Watershed Ag Council (WAC) and Conservation easements, discussed NYCDEP assessments, stated during a re-val assessments can’t be “phased in” over time for some owners but rather they all have to be done at the same time and again urged taxpayers to contact the legislators as they are the ones who can change the laws to assist in lowering taxes for farms and the elderly. Attorney Young also stated that Assemblyman Lopez, during the Halcottsville /Roxbury School meeting, wanted the Town of Roxbury to go to 100% as it would lower school taxes for Halcottville residents in the Roxbury School District.  It was stated that no money has been received from the State yet on completing the re-val but customary amounts are $3-$5/parcel. Michael Sheehan requested the Town Board go through the SEQRA process for the re-val to determine its impact on the community.  Attorney Young stated assessments do not come under SEQRA.   Assessor Clerk Stephanie Seminara added that the Assessor held 22 days of meetings with taxpayers to discuss their assessments and adjustments were made as warranted.

Parks Clerk Carolynn Faraci was absent due to illness so Margaret Ellsworth reported the Love My Park day was well attended with  much work being accomplished and the barns are booked for summer and already into 2016.  Ellsworth also stated the Soil & Water grant application for Robbins Rd. stream work is due June 1and she requested the Town Board support an application for  a Consolidated Funding grant that would include Gould Church and a Main Street  Project for commercial/mixed use buildings.

RESOLUTION #42- Resolution by the Town Board approving and endorsing MARK Project Inc in its application to NYS Homes and Community Renewal for funding under the NY Main Street Program

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the MARK Project Inc. desires to apply for up to $500,000. in financial assistance through the 2015 Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) under the NY Main Street Program; and

WHEREAS, the application proposes funding to assist property owners to complete building renovations to downtown “main street” buildings on Main Streets in the Towns of Andes, Middletown, Roxbury, Shandaken and the Villages of Margaretville and Fleischmanns; and

WHEREAS, the proposed funding will contribute to ongoing community revitalization efforts; and

WHEREAS, the grant application requires that the applicant obtain the approval and endorsement of the governing body of the municipality in which the project will be located.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Roxbury approves and endorses the 2015 NY Main Street application for assistance prepared and to be submitted by the MARK Project Inc.

WHEREUPON the resolution was put to a vote as follows:

AYES – 4 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
NAYS – 0
ABSENT – 1 Murray

Attorney Young discussed NYCDEP challenging the assessments on the Grand Gorge Sewer lines.  An agreement has been drafted and the Attorney will review the agreement and conduct due diligence before recommending the Town accept.

Discussion took place on issues with the flat roof on the Civic Center.  Councilman Cronk recommended a slanted roof be built over the flat roof. Supervisor Hynes stated that idea had been looked into years ago but were told it couldn’t be done.  The matter will be looked into further.

Correspondence was received from Stephen Walker expressing concerns with Assessor issues (as discussed earlier in the meeting) and Transfer Station issues.

A letter was received from Lori Needham, on behalf of Florence Taylor, requesting her water account be credited from charges for the period her water line was frozen and water not used.

The Board agreed that the $7.00 monthly charge for 0-4000 gallons will remain in effect.

Discussion took place on the Grand Gorge & Roxbury water usages due to several customers having to run their water during the cold winter months. Before the April Board meeting, a list of water usages for April 2014-March 2015 was given to the Board and an updated list through April 2015 was distributed at the May meeting.


On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“RESOLVED, due to the severe cold winter, the Town Board directs the Water Clerk to credit water accounts in the Grand Gorge and Roxbury Water Districts as follows:  calculate the average usage for October –December 2014 and use that amount to adjust and credit back those accounts over the average for the months of January and February 2015 including late fees.”

AYES-4 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

A letter was received from Robert Sanford resigning from the Board of Assessment Review effective May 3, 2015.

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Edward Raeder the Town Board regretfully accepted the resignation of Robert Sanford from the Board of Assessment Review.

AYES-4 Cronk, Raeder, Hinkley, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

A letter will be sent to Mr. Sanford thanking him for his many years of service on the Board of Assessment Review.

A letter was received from Elisabeth Weidmann reporting that the water pressure problem at her house in Grand Gorge has been repaired.

No action was taken on the Police Policy.

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Allen Hinkley the Town Board approved the Town Clerk’s monthly report for April 2015 in the amount of $2,701.06 (Town Clerk $546.06 and Building Permits $2,155.00)

AYES-4 Raeder, Hinkley, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Allen Hinkley the Town Board approved the Supervisor’s monthly report for March 2015.

AYES-4 Raeder, Hinkley, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

There are no monthly reports for the Justice Court for January, February and April 2015 because no invoices have been received yet from the NYS Comptroller Justice Court Fund.

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Edward Raeder the Town Board approved the Assessor’s monthly report for April, 2015.

AYES-4 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Allen Hinkley the Town Board approved the CDBG (HUD) Fund monthly report for April 2015 reflecting a balance of $79,521.50.

AYES- 4 Raeder, Hinkley, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the Town Board approved the Building Inspector’s monthly report for April 2015.

AYES-4 Hinkley, Cronk, Raeder, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Allen Hinkley the Town Board approved the Tax Collector’s monthly report for April 2015.

AYES-4 Raeder, Hinkley, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Edward Raeder the Town Board approved the Water District Receipts report for April 2015 in the following amounts: Denver $2,964.94; Grand Gorge $3,205.84 and Roxbury $4,497.49.

AYES-4 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray


On motion of Edward Raeder second by Gene Cronk the following resolution was offered and adopted:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Roxbury /XXXXX hereby establishes the following standard work days for these titles and will report the officials to the New York State and Local Retirement System based on timekeeping systems records or their record of activities:

AYES – 4 Raeder, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the Town Board stated having no objections to Creekside Restaurant in Grand Gorge renewing their liquor license with New York State.

AYES-4 Hinkley, Cronk, Raeder, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

No action was taken in filling the vacancy on the Board of Assessment Review.

Discussion took place on the Town Clerk receiving complaints of unlicensed dogs from several dog owners renewing their dog licenses.  A copy of the current dog law was distributed to the Town Board who considered conducting a door to door dog enumeration.  Attorney Young will review the dog law and report back to the Town Board.

Discussion took place on complaints that have been received from residents on Lake St. expressing concerns with poor water drainage in that area even though the Town just completed a project to remediate the problem.  The engineer will be contacted to look into the matter.

The Greater Roxbury Business Assoc. (GRBC) would like to hang flower baskets on NYSEG poles in the hamlet of Roxbury and has requested to be under the Town’s insurance for said project.  The Grand Gorge Community Action Group had previously asked the same for the Grand Gorge area and no objections had been stated by the Town Board.


On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes the Grand Gorge Community Action Group and the Greater Roxbury Business Association to be under the Town’s liability insurance for permit applications to be submitted to NYSEG and NYS Dept. of Transportation (NYSDOT) for hanging flower baskets on poles in the hamlets of Grand Gorge and Roxbury; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Town Clerk was authorized to submit the applications to NYSEG and NYSDOT under the Town’s name on behalf of the organizations named above.”

AYES-4 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray


On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“RESOLVED, the Town Board agreed to enter into Executive Session at 8:45 pm to discuss a personnel issue. Present were: Supervisor Thomas S. Hynes, Councilmen Allen Hinkley, Edward Raeder and Gene Cronk and Attorney Kevin Young.”

AYES-4 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Edward Raeder the Town Board returned to the regular meeting at 9:03 pm.

AYES-4 Cronk, Raeder, Hinkley, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

It was stated that no decisions were made as a result of Executive Session.

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Allen Hinkley the bills were audited and ordered paid in the following amounts:

AYES-4 Raeder, Hinkley, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Murray

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Gene Cronk the meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.


Diane Pickett, Town Clerk
Thomas S. Hynes, Supervisor
Gene Cronk, Councilman
Edward Raeder, Councilman
Allen Hinkley, Councilman


Notice - Roxbury Town Board Special Meeting - May 22, 2015


Town Board Meeting Agenda - May 11, 2015