Town of Roxbury Planning Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes - August 18, 2015

Wednesday, August 18, 2015
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Joe Farleigh, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Ed Hinkley, Rob Cole, Jill Ribich, secretary/alternate

Absent: Dave Cowan

7:30  Meeting called to order by Chairman Farleigh. Motion to approve July minutes made by Phil Zorda, seconded by Jean Stone. All approved.

Old Business

Jerome Libatore presented two deeds for the properties on New Kingston Mountian Rd. for which he is requesting a boundary line adjustment.

Emily Gray did not attend to present the mylar map of the property on Andrew Gray Rd. that is to be transferred to  Andrew McArdle. She had been informed by Chairman Farleigh that this map was necessary as well as a deep pit and perk test on the property.

New Business

Chairman Farleigh gave his notice  of intention to step down as the chairperson for the Town of Roxbury Planning Board as of Jan. 1, 2016, although he will remain a member of the board.  Dave Cowan and Phil Zorda were discussed as possible replacements as chairman of the planning board.

7:45: Motion to adjourn was made by Phil Zorda, seconded by Ed Hinkley.  All approved.


Roxbury Town Board Meeting Agenda - September 14, 2015


Town of Roxbury Planning Board Approved Meeting Minutes - July 15, 2015