Roxbury Planning Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes - May 18, 2016



Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Present: Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Brad Zambri, Ed Hinkley, Rob Cole, Nicole Franzese from DC Planning Board.

Absent: Joe Farleigh, Jill Ribich, secretary/alternate

Meeting called to order by at 7:30

Motion to approve minutes of April 20, 2016 meeting – Jean Stone moved, seconded by Dave Cowan, Motion approved unanimously.

Present at the meeting were Rob Allison – Catskill Region Surveying Services, Greg Henderson and Joe Massa – The Roxbury Motel. As required by the Board’s approval of the Site Plan for The Roxbury at Stratton Falls, Rob presented the Board with updated site plan drawings showing final locations of stormwater discharge, sewer and water supply systems. Also, copies of letters from NYCDEP’s approval of the SWPPP and sewage treatment system, NYS Department of Health’s approval of the water supply and sewage systems, NYSDEC’s approval of the permit for trails along Stratton Falls, and OPRHP’s letter of No Adverse Impact were presented to the Board.

Our Site Plan Law states that a site plan approval is only in effect for one year and an extension can be requested in writing. As our original approval was given at the May 2015 meeting, Greg presented the Board with a letter requesting a two-year extension of the approval. Regulatory approval delays and grant delays were among several reasons construction has been delayed.

A letter will be sent to Greg and Joe indicating receipt of the above documents and the extension of the site plan approval.

Motion to approve a two-year extension – Dave Cowan moved, seconded by Ed Hinkley, Motion approved unanimously.

Commercial Solar – Phillip Zorda stated that the county and town have approved resolutions approving PILOT agreements for commercial solar “farms”.

NYCDEP Land Acquisition – the Board reviewed LAP #8999, 243.-3-17, a 6.57 acre parcel located off Red Kill Rd. The county will be reviewing this acquisition and will make any comments necessary to the town.

Motion to Adjourn – Jean Stone moved, seconded by Dave Cowan, Motion approved unanimously.


Roxbury Town Board Meeting Agenda - July 11, 2016


Town Board Approved Meeting Minutes - June 13, 2016