Notice to Bidders


1.     Sealed bids will be received by the Town of Roxbury, hereinafter referred to as the “Owner,” until 3:00 PM, Thursday, November 17th, 2016, at the Town Clerk’s Office, 53690 State Highway 30, Main Street, Roxbury, NY 12474, at which time said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for:

Denver Water District Contract No. 1 – PRV Rehabilitation

Contract No. 1 shall include all tools, labor, material and equipment necessary to: Provide a new precast concrete valve vault with 6” and 2” pressure reducing valves and all related appurtenances; and provide all related demolition, site work, and restoration.

Deductive Alternate No. 1 – Cost Reduction for Re-use of Existing Vault.
Deductive Alternate No. 2  – Cost Reduction for Smaller Vault.

2.     All bids must be made on the blank form of proposal attached hereto.

3.     A bidder may withdraw any proposal submitted prior to the hour set for the closing of the bids provided the request is signed in a manner identical with the proposal being withdrawn.

4.     The Owner will be responsible for payment in accordance with the terms of the contract when the work is completed.

5.     The Owner is exempt from New York State sales taxes on material, supplies, and equipment to be permanently incorporated in the Work.  Tax Exemption No. 15-6001121.  Said taxes shall not be included in the Bid.

6.     A complete set of Bidding and Contract Documents may be obtained from Lamont Engineers upon payment of a $50.00 deposit.  Full deposit refund for the returned set will be made provided that the complete set of Bidding and Contract Documents (Project Manual) is returned to Lamont Engineers, postage paid and in good condition within 30 days after Bid Opening.  Any sets returned after the 30-day period are non-refundable. Additional sets of Bidding and Contract Documents may be obtained upon payment of a $25.00 deposit for each set.  Deposits for additional sets will be returned less the actual cost of reproduction if the complete sets are returned in good condition within the 30-day period. Requests for delivered sets of Bidding and Contract Documents will be honored overnight upon receipt of a non-refundable fee of $25.00 per set for handling and delivery.

7.     Prospective bidders who obtain electronic project documents are responsible to contact Lamont Engineers, P.C. to register their contact information on the project documents distribution list for the purposes of receiving bidding Addenda and other bidding information.

8.     The Contractor will be required to meet funding agency provisions as identified in Document 00823.

9.     The Town Board of the Town of Roxbury reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bids received and to reject any or all bids without explanation.

10.  The existing PRV Vault site will be open for review by bidders on Tuesday, November 8th, 2016 from 10:00 AM-11:00 AM. If bidders are unable to make this time, they may try to schedule an appointment with the operator Robert Payne at (607) 326-3141 (WWTP) or (518) 231-9955 (cell).

11.  Please refer all questions to Michael D. Harrington, Principal Engineer, Lamont Engineers, P.C., (518) 234-4028.

October 26, 2016                                                                             Town Board
Date                                                                                         Town of Roxbury


Legal Notice of Public Hearing, Grand Gorge Fire District - November 1, 2016


Roxbury Town Board Approved Meeting Minutes - October 10, 2016