Roxbury Town Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes - January 3, 2017


January 3, 2017

A Public Hearing and Organizational Meeting of the Town Board were held January 3, 2017 beginning at 7:15 pm at the Town Hall.  Present: Supervisor Thomas S. Hynes, Councilmen Gene

Cronk, Edward Raeder, Allen Hinkley and Carol Murray, Building Inspector William Walcutt, Attorney Kevin Young and four residents.

The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:15 pm.  The notice was read calling for the hearing regarding the proposed increase and improvements to the Denver Water District.  Michael

Harrington of Lamont Engineers, P.C. discussed proposed work entailed in the project and options to reduce the amount of work to be done.  Wendy Nief, a resident of the Denver Water District spoke in favor of the proposed work.  Attorney Young discussed the debt service limit the District could handle so as to not overwhelm the residents in taxes.  Attorney Young also discussed the bonding process.

The Public Hearing closed at 7:30 pm.

The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The Minutes of the December meetings were approved on motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk.

AYES-5 Hinkley, Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes

Further discussion took place on the proposed Denver Water project in terms of awarding the bid for the PRV building where the low bidder is amenable to not start the work until spring, grant funding applications, emergency need for tank controls and getting more well pumps working, General Fund possibly having to loan Denver Water money that would have to be repaid within one year and concerns with current costs incurred being eligible for reimbursement under the bond.  Attorney Young recommends not awarding the PRV building bid until he looks into the eligibility of the costs to be covered under the bond and Mr. Harrington was directed to get costs on the tank controls and electric for getting more of the well pumps into use to bring back to the Town Board.

A letter has been received from NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation (NYSEFC) approving hardship funding for the Grand Gorge/Roxbury Water District proposed project.  This is good news for grant funding.  Discussion took place on work that is needed, how much work the Town Board would like to put in for grant funding and the process for the loan.  Harrington requested being able to start the environmental work now.  Attorney Young discussed Lead Agency status and the SEQR process where the project would be considered a Type I project because it would include the development of a new well field.


On motion of Gene Cronk second by Carol Murray the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Roxbury is undertaking a project called the Roxbury and Grand Gorge Water Districts Water System Improvements Project (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Project’) that will include development of a new production well with control building and associated appurtenances, construction of a new filtration system and appurtenances for the existing springs source, replacement of existing controls systems, rehabilitation of existing distribution storage tanks, replacement of water mains and appurtenances, construction of emergency power systems, and miscellaneous site and building improvements; and

WHEREAS, the Town is applying to the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) for project funding, and may apply to other funding agencies.


1.              The Town Board of the Town of Roxbury intends to proceed with the Water System Improvements Project to make improvements to the Roxbury and Grand Gorge Water Districts’ supply, treatment, and distribution infrastructure; and

2.              The Town Board hereby determines that the project is a Type I action pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), Article 8 of the New York Environmental Conservation law and its implementing regulations, 6 NYCRR Part 617 and pursuant to potential funding program requirements; and

3.              The Town Board hereby declares itself SEQRA Lead Agency; and

4.              The Town Board hereby instructs the Supervisor, with the assistance of the consulting engineer, to prepare a full Environmental Assessment Form and notify involved agencies of the Town Board’s intent to serve as SEQRA Lead Agency and to further initiate the coordinated review of the Project under the SEQRA regulations and authorizes the Supervisor to sign all environmental review documents; and

5.              The Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to sign all funding applications for the Project on its behalf.”

WHEREUPON, the Resolution was put to a vote and recorded as follows:

AYES-5  Cronk, Murray, Raeder, Hinkley, Hynes

Attorney Young discussed the  Public Interest Order and Bond Resolution for the  Denver Water proposed project.

The following resolution was offered by Councilman Allen Hinkley who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Gene Cronk, to-wit:

In the Matter
the Increase and Improvement of the Facilities
of the Denver Water District in the
Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, has duly caused Lamont Engineers, engineers duly licensed in the State of New York, to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report, dated August 31, 2016, constituting a map, plan and an estimate of cost, pursuant to Section 202‑b of the Town Law (the “Report”), relating to the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Town’s Denver Water District, consisting of various capital improvements to the facilities of the Denver Water District, including wellfield electrical improvements, pumping and treatment improvements, controls system improvements, pressure reducing valve vault replacement, water main and service replacements, hydrant and valve replacements, storage tank rehabilitation, emergency generators, and various building and site improvements, all as more fully described in the Report, which Report is on file in the office of the Town Clerk where it is available for public inspection during normal business hours; and

WHEREAS, the Denver Water District is entirely contained with the Town; and

WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said increase and improvement is $1,000,000, which amount shall be allocated and charged as the cost of various capital improvements to the facilities of the Denver Water District, and shall be borne by the Denver Water District; and

WHEREAS, the capital project heretofore described, based on information supplied to the Town Board, has been determined by the Town Board to be a Type II Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, the implementation of which will not result in any significant environmental effects; and

WHEREAS, at a meeting of said Town Board on December 12, 2016, an order was duly adopted by it and entered in the minutes specifying that the said Board would meet to consider the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Town’s Denver Water District, in said Town at an estimated maximum cost of $1,000,000, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same at the Town Hall, in Roxbury, New York, in said Town, on January 3, 2017, at 7:15 o’clock P.M., Prevailing Time; and

WHEREAS, a notice of adoption of said order duly certified by the Town Clerk was duly published and posted as required by law, to‑wit:  a duly certified copy thereof was published in the official newspaper of this Town, on December 21, 2016 and a copy of such notice was posted on December 19, 2016, on the signboard maintained by the Town Clerk of the Town of Roxbury, pursuant to Section 30, subdivision 6 of the Town Law; and

WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held at the time and place set forth in said notice, at which all persons desiring to be heard were duly heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT

ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, as follows:

Section 1.         Upon the evidence given at the aforesaid public hearing, it is hereby found and determined that it is in the public interest to increase and improve the facilities of the Town’s Denver Water District, consisting of various capital improvements to the facilities of the Denver Water District, including wellfield electrical improvements, pumping and treatment improvements, controls system improvements, pressure reducing valve vault replacement, water main and service replacements, hydrant and valve replacements, storage tank rehabilitation, emergency generators, and various building and site improvements, in the Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, including incidental expenses in connection therewith, at an estimated maximum cost of $1,000,000.

Section 2.         This order shall take effect immediately.

The question of the adoption of the foregoing order was duly put to a vote on roll, which resulted as follows:

Thomas S. Hynes                    VOTING          AYE
Gene Cronk                              VOTING          AYE
Edward Raeder                          VOTING          AYE
Allen Hinkley                          VOTING          AYE
Carol Murray                           VOTING          AYE

The order was thereupon declared duly adopted.

The following resolution was offered by Councilman Edward Raeder who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Carol Murray, to-wit:


RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, as follows:

Section 1.         For the specific object or purpose of paying part of the cost of the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Town’s Denver Water District, consisting of various capital improvements to the facilities of the Denver Water District, including wellfield electrical improvements, pumping and treatment improvements, controls system improvements, pressure reducing valve vault replacement, water main and service replacements, hydrant and valve replacements, storage tank rehabilitation, emergency generators, and various building and site improvements, in the Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, there are hereby authorized to be issued $400,000 bonds of said Town pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law.

Section 2.        It is hereby determined that the maximum estimated cost of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is $1,000,000, and the plan for the financing thereof is by the issuance of the $400,000 bonds of the Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, authorized to be issued pursuant to this resolution, together with a grant from the State of New York under the New York State Water Infrastructure Improvement Act in the amount of $600,000.

Section 3.         It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is forty years, pursuant to subdivision one of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law.  It is hereby further determined that the maximum maturity of the bonds authorized shall exceed five years, and that the foregoing is an assessable improvement.

Section 4.        Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the  bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Town Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer.  Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Town Supervisor, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law.

Section 5.         The faith and credit of said Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such obligations as the same respectively become due and payable.  An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations becoming due and payable in such year.  To the extent not paid by the assessment of assessable properties in the Denver Water District, there shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property in said Town a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations as the same become due and payable.

Section 6.         Such bonds shall be in fully registered form and shall be signed in the name of the Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, by the manual or facsimile signature of the Town Supervisor and a facsimile of its corporate seal shall be imprinted thereon and may be attested by the manual or facsimile signature of the Town Clerk.

Section 7.         The powers and duties of advertising such bonds for sale, conducting the sale and awarding the bonds, are hereby delegated to the Town Supervisor, who shall advertise such bonds for sale, conduct the sale, and award the bonds in such manner as he or she shall deem best for the interests of the Town, provided, however, that in the exercise of these delegated powers, he or she shall comply fully with the provisions of the Local Finance Law and any order or rule of the State Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal bonds.  The receipt of the Town Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to the purchaser of such bonds, who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money.

Section 8.         All other matters, except as provided herein relating to such bonds, including determining whether to issue such bonds having substantially level or declining annual debt service and all matters related thereto, prescribing whether manual or facsimile signatures shall appear on said bonds, prescribing the method for the recording of ownership of said bonds, appointing the fiscal agent or agents for said bonds, providing for the printing and delivery of said bonds (and if said bonds are to be executed in the name of the Town by the facsimile signature of its Town Supervisor, providing for the manual countersignature of a fiscal agent or of a designated official of the Town), the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, place or places of payment, and also including the consolidation with other issues, shall be determined by the Town Supervisor.  It is hereby determined that it is to the financial advantage of the Town not to impose and collect from registered owners of such bonds any charges for mailing, shipping and insuring bonds transferred or exchanged by the fiscal agent, and, accordingly, pursuant to paragraph c of Section 70.00 of the Local Finance Law, no such charges shall be so collected by the fiscal agent.  Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals in addition to those required by section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Town Supervisor shall determine.

Section 9.         This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.150 ‑ 2.  Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long‑term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein.

Section 10.       The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if:

1)        Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said Town is not authorized to expend money, or
2)        The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or
3)        Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.

Section 11.      This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in summary in the Catskill Mountain News the official newspaper of the Town, together with a notice of the Town Clerk in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law.

The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:

Thomas S. Hynes                    VOTING          AYE
Gene Cronk                              VOTING          AYE
Edward Raeder                          VOTING          AYE
Allen Hinkley                          VOTING          AYE
Carol Murray                           VOTING          AYE

The order was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Supervisor Hynes stated a sewer grinder pump had to be replaced at the Doroski home in Grand Gorge.

Building Inspector William Walcutt requested the Town Board approve Patrick Davis as Deputy Building Inspector and reported, with assistance from the Assessor Clerk, he is in the process of mailing out notices to open permit holders in an effort to get permits closed out.  When questioned what violation he had posted on the Merwin apartment house in Grand Gorge last fall, Mr. Walcutt stated it was an Unsafe Structure after having been contacted by the Fire Inspector who had written up the building with multi-violations  and the owner not having done anything with repairing problems found by the Building Inspector during his inspection in the spring.


On motion of Carol Murray second by Allen Hinkley the following resolution was offered and


RESOLVED the Town Board approves the following appointments and committees for the year 2017:

AYES-5 Murray, Hinkley, Cronk, Raeder, Hynes

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the Town Board approved the Town Supervisor’s appointment of Edward Raeder as Deputy Supervisor for the term 1/1/17-12/31/17.

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Edward Raeder the Town Board approved the Town Supervisor’s appointment of Carolynn J. Faraci as Supervisor Bookkeeper for the term 1/1/17-12/31/17.

AYES – 5 Cronk, Raeder, Hinkley, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0

On motion of Carol Murray second by Gene Cronk the Town Board approved the Highway Supt.’s appointment of William Sprague as Deputy Hwy. Supt. for the term 1/1/17-12/31/17.

AYES – 5 Murray, Cronk, Hinkley, Raeder, Hynes
NAYS – 0

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Allen Hinkley the Town Board approved the Town Clerk’s appointment of Carolynn J. Faraci as Deputy Town Clerk #1 for the term 1/1/17-12/31/17.

AYES – 5 Raeder, Hinkley, Cronk, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“RESOLVED the Town Board approves the Official Undertaking of elected and appointed positions as to its form and manner of execution and the sufficiency of the insurance, as surety as prepared for the Town of Roxbury for the year 2017”

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Murray, Cronk, Raeder, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Carol Murray the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“RESOLVED the Town Board for the year 2017 will meet the second Monday of each month for their Regular Monthly Meeting, except for January when they shall meet January 3, 2017 and  except for November when they shall meet on Thursday November 9, 2017.  All meetings will begin at 7:30 pm and will be held at the Town Hall, 53690 State Hwy 30, Roxbury, NY except for April and August when they will meet at the Grand Gorge Civic Center, 60933 State Hwy. 30, Grand Gorge, NY.”

AYES – 5 Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Carol Murray second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“RESOLVED the Planning Board for the year 2017 will meet the third Wednesdays of each month for their Regular Monthly Meeting.  All meetings shall begin at 7:30 pm and will be held at the Town Hall, 53690 State Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY.”

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Edward Raeder second by Allen Hinkley the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“RESOLVED the Historic Preservation Commission for the year 2017 will hold meetings quarterly on the third Saturdays of January, April, July and October at 10:00 am at the Town Hall for their regular meetings.”

AYES – 5 Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the current Procurement Policy and finds no changes are needed:

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board approves use of the current Procurement Policy for the year 2017.”

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Edward Raeder second by Carol Murray the following resolution was offered and


“WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the current Investment Policy and finds no changes

are needed;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board approves use of the current

Investment Policy for the year 2017.”

AYES – 5 Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the current Sexual Harassment Policy and finds no changes are needed;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board approves use of the current Sexual Harassment Policy for the year 2017.”

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Carol Murray second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the current Computer Use Policy and finds no changes are needed;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board approves use of the current Computer Use  Policy for the year 2017.”

AYES – 5 Raeder, Hinkley, Cronk, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Edward Raeder second by Allen Hinkley the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the current Local Privacy Notification Policy pertaining to security breaches of personal information and finds no changes are needed;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board approves use of the current Local Privacy Notification  Policy for the year 2017.”

AYES – 5 Raeder, Murray, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the current Code of Ethics and finds no changes are needed;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board approves use of the current Code of Ethics for the year 2017.”

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Edward Raeder second by Carol Murray the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the current Travel Reimbursement Policy and finds no changes are needed;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board approves use of the current Travel Reimbursement Policy for the year 2017.”

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Carol Murray second by Allen Hinkley the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the current Section 504 Grievance Procedure and finds no changes are needed;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board approves use of the current Section 504 Grievance Procedure for the year 2017.”

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Edward Raeder second by Carol Murray the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the current Workplace Violence Prevention Policy and finds no changes are needed;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board approves use of the current Workplace Violence Prevention Policy for the year 2017; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Town Board directs the Town Clerk to distribute the Policy to all employees and approves signed confirmation from all employees that they have received and reviewed said policy to be in lieu of conducting formal annual training on said Policy.”

AYES – 5 Raeder, Hinkley, Cronk, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the current Employee Handbook and finds no changes are needed;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board approves use of the current Employee Handbook for the year 2017.”

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board approves use of the current Police Policy for the year 2017 contingent upon further review by Councilman Hinkley and the Town Attorney.”

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Gene Cronk second by Allen Hinkley the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the current Building Inspector Agreement and finds no changes are needed;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board approves use of the current Building Inspector Agreement for the year 2017.”

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
NAYS – 0



On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Carol Murray the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“WHEREAS, in January of 2014 the Town Board of the Town of Roxbury resolved to enter into a

Consulting Agreement with William Walcutt for performance of the duties of Code Enforcement Officer (“CEO”) for the Town; and

WHEREAS, said Consulting Agreement requires the Code Enforcement Officer to appoint a Deputy Code Enforcement Officer subject to Town Board approval; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Local Law No. 1 of 2007,  the Town Board may appoint  a Deputy Code Enforcement Officer (“DCEO”) in the event that the CEO is unable to serve as such for any reason; and

WHEREAS, the CEO desires to appoint Patrick Davis as DCEO; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Roxbury approves the CEO’s appointment of Patrick Davis for the position of DCEO; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that it is necessary for the Town’s Consultant CEO to enter into a Subcontract with its appointed DCEO; and

WHEREAS, the Town’s CEO will be responsible for any compensation due to the DCEO who will function in an as needed capacity to be determined by the Town’s Consultant CEO as a subcontractor to the Town’s Consultant CEO; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Town Board of the Town of Roxbury hereby authorizes William Walcutt, Town of Roxbury Consultant CEO to personally enter into a Subcontract with Patrick Davis who will perform the as needed duties of the DCEO as determined by the Town’s Consultant CEO and as a subcontractor to the Town’s Consultant CEO.”

WHEREUPON, the Resolution was put to a vote and recorded as follows:

AYES-5 Hinkley, Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes

On motion of Carol Murray second by Allen Hinkley the Town Board designates the Town Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor as official check signers for the year 2017.

AYES – 5 Cronk, Murray, Cronk, Raeder, Hynes
NAYS – 0

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Gene Cronk the Town Board approved Atlantic-Inland of Cortland as Fire Inspector for commercial buildings for the year 2017.

AYES – 5 Murray, Hinkley, Cronk, Raeder, Hynes
NAYS – 0

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the Town Board approved Catskill Mountain News official newspaper for Town business for the year 2017.

AYES – 5 Raeder, Cronk, Hinkley, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0

On motion of Carol Murray second by Edward Raeder  the Town Board approved NBT Bank N.A. and Wayne Bank for Town business for the year 2017.

AYES -5 Hinkley, Murray, Cronk, Raeder, Hynes
NAYS – 0

On motion of Carol Murray second by Allen Hinkley the Town Board approved Mostert, Manzanero & Scott, LLP as Town CPA’s for the year 2017.

AYES – 5 Raeder, Murray, Hinkley, Cronk, Hynes
NAYS – 0

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Edward Raeder the Town Board approved a mileage rate of $.535/ mile for employees using their own vehicle for Town business for the year 2017.

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Raeder, Cronk, Murray, Hynes
NAYS – 0

On motion of Edward Raeder  second by Carol Murray the Town Board approved the payment of $150 each to the Ralph S. Ives and Earl B. Dudley American Legion Posts for parades for the year 2017 as approved in the budget.

AYES – Murray, Cronk, Hinkley, Raeder, Hynes
NAYS – 0

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Carol Murray the Town Board approved payment of $300 rent to the Roxbury Fire District as a polling site for the year 2017 as approved in the budget.

AYES – 4 Hinkley, Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
NAYS – 0

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Allen Hinkley the Town Board approved the payment of $500 each to Roxbury & Grand Gorge Senior Clubs for the year 2017 as approved in the budget.

AYES – 5 Hinkley, Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
NAYS – 0


On motion of Edward Raeder second by Gene Cronk the following resolution was offered and adopted:

“RESOLVED, the Town Board approves the agreement with the Delaware County Planning Dept. in the amount of $3,500 for services in the year 2017.”

AYES-5 Raeder, Murray, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Carol Murray the Town Board approved the Town Clerk’s monthly report for December 2016 in the amount of $1,187.50 (Town Clerk $987.50 and Building Permits $200.00)

AYES-5 Hinkley, Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Allen Hinkley the Town Board approved the Supervisor’s monthly report for December 2016.

AYES-5 Raeder, Hinkley, Cronk, Murray, Hynes

There was no monthly report from the Assessor for December 2016.

On motion of Allen Hinkley second by Gene Cronk the Town Board approved the Building Inspector monthly report for December 2016.

AYES-5 Hinkley, Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes

On motion of Carol Murray second by Gene Cronk the Town Board approved the monthly report of Water District receipts for December 2016 in the following amounts: Denver $34.10; Grand Gorge $467.68 and Roxbury $266.01.

AYES-5 Murray, Cronk, Raeder, Hinkley, Hynes

There was no Justice Court monthly report for December 2016 due to not having received an invoice from the State yet.

No action was taken on filling the vacancy on the Planning Board for an Alternate member or secretary.

The annual report of Planning Board member training hours through December 31, 2016 was distributed to the Town Board.

The annual list of open building permits through December 31, 2016 was distributed to the Town Board.

The annual report of building permits issued and income for the year 2016 was distributed to the Town Board.

The annual Town Clerk report for the year 2016 was distributed to the Town Board.

Discussion took place on the Grand Gorge Tire sewer hookup.  Attorney Young stated NYCDEP is expected to change their policy in 2018 whereby a small business having less than 20 employees would be eligible for 100% of costs to be paid by DEP for failing septic or modifications if the owner can wait that long.

The work on the old highway garage roof is expected to begin next week.

No new information is available regarding the NYCDEP Collection System assessment.

A reminder was given that the Roxbury Highway Worker’s Association contract and the Water/Sewer agreements with LVDV Operations, Inc. expire 12/31/17.  These would have to be approved by September 2017 for 2018 Town Budget purposes.

On motion of Carol Murray second by Edward Raeder the bills were audited and ordered paid in the following amounts:

General #1-23 – $22,654.04
Denver Water #1-4 – $2,689.32
Highway #1-6 – $16,268.16
Roxbury Sewer #1-4 – $23,897.35
Roxbury Water #1-3 – $1,953.62
Denver Sewer #1-3 – $10,987.88
Grand Gorge Water #1-4 – $2,400.05
Cap. Proj-GEIS Project #1 – $331.50
AYES-5 Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hinkley, Hynes

Councilman Edward Raeder reported a window in the Civic Center cafeteria was cracked and had a hole.  The matter will be looked into for repairs.

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Carol Murray the meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.


Diane Pickett, Town Clerk
Thomas S. Hynes, Supervisor
Gene Cronk, Councilman
Edward Raeder, Councilman
Allen Hinkley, Councilman
Carol Murray, Councilwoman


February 7, 2017 - Roxbury Library Association Tuesday Forum Program, Bertha Rogers


Notice - January 18, 2017, Planning Board Meeting Cancelled