March 2017 Roxbury Library Association Tuesday Forum Program

Contact Person: Dian Seiler, Director, Roxbury Library
Telephone and Fax: (607)-326-7901

For the Tuesday, March 14, 2017, Roxbury Library Association Tuesday Forum Program, at 1:00 p.m., at the Roxbury Library, Manhattan Country School Farm Program Coordinator and Farm Teacher Catherine Cammer will offer a slide presentation on Manhattan Country School Farm, with Manhattan Country School Farm 7th graders reflecting on their experiences at the farm.

Regular RLA Tuesday Forum attendees will provide refreshments following Ms. Cammer’s program.

The Roxbury Library Association welcomes the public to all RLA Tuesday Forum programs, activities, and gatherings, which are free of charge.

For information about upcoming RLA Tuesday Forum programs, activities, and gatherings, please contact Roxbury Library Director Dian Seiler or Roxbury
Library Clerk Helen Faraci at (607)-326-7901.

Located at 53742 State Highway 30, the Roxbury Library is directly opposite the town’s United Methodist Church on Main Street.


Bid Notice - Diesel Fuel


Roxbury Town Board Meeting Agenda - February 13, 2017