Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission Unapproved Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2017




A meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held January 21, 2017 at 10:05 a.m. at the Roxbury Town Hall.  Present Michael Mathis – Chairman Commission Members Lewis Wendell and Doug McLaurine. Also present Carolynn Faraci, Commission Clerk.

On motion of Michael Mathis second by Lewis Wendell the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission approved the minutes of the October 15, 2016 regular quarterly meeting

AYES-4 Mathis, Wendell, Haroldson, McLaurine

On motion of Lewis Wendell second by Doug McLaurin the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission Chairman is

Michael Mathis for the year of 2017

AYES-3 Wendell, McLaurin, Mathis

On motion of Michael Mathis and second by Lewis Wendell the meetings for 2017 will be on the third Saturdays in January, April, July, and October at 10:00 am at the Town Hall.

AYES-3 Mathis, Wendell, McLaurin

Roxbury’s Historic District plaque program that was started in 2015 with the help of M-ARK Project and the O’Connor Foundation.  As of January 2017 thirty residents have ordered and installed the plaques on their home.  A second round of letters will be going out to residents that are on the National Register of Historic Places that did not order the plaque.

The original letter that was sent will be sent to Lewis Wendell for update before mailing.

Roxbury Historic signs design is finished.  The next step is to have them fabricated.  Placement for each sign will have to be determined

On motion of Michael Mathis second by Lewis Wendell meeting adjourned at 10:31


Notice - Inventory and Valuation Data


Roxbury Town Board Approved Meeting Minutes - February 13, 2017