RHPC Unapproved Meeting Minutes - April 29, 2017



A meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held April 29, 2017 at 10:07 a.m. at the Roxbury Town Hall.  Present Michael Mathis – Chairman Commission Members Margaret Ellsworth and Doug McLaurine. Also present Carolynn Faraci, Commission Clerk.

On motion of Margaret Ellsworth second by Doug McLaurine the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission approved the minutes of the January 21, 2017 regular quarterly meeting

AYES-3 Ellsworth, McLaurine, Mathis

On motion of Margaret Ellsworth second by Doug McLaurine application submitted by Paul Zomchek property located at 2225 CTY Hwy 41, Roxbury, NY 12474.  After further discussion the Certificate of Compatibility was approved

AYES-3 Ellsworth, McLaurine, Mathis

On motion of Margaret Ellsworth second by Doug McLaurin application submitted by Margaretville Telephone Company property located at 53547 State Hwy 30, Roxbury, NY 12474.  After further discussion the Certificate of Compatibility was approved

AYES-3 Ellsworth, McLaurine, Mathis

On motion of Doug McLaurin second by Margaret Ellsworth application submitted by Bonnie Grocholl property located at 53752 State Hwy 30, Roxbury, NY 12474.  After further discussion the Certificate of Compatibility was approved

AYES-3 McLaurine, Ellsworth, Mathis

Margaret Ellsworth brought up that Bonnie Walker had not received her Historic Plaque for 65 Railroad Ave, Roxbury, NY 12474.  This matter will be looked into by the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission clerk and report back to Commission at the next meeting.

Lewis Wendell Commission member not present had sent an e-mail asking if the second round of Historic Plaques letters have been mailed out.  The Commission Clerk stated that the Historic District had to be recreated and is almost done.

Phase one of the Historic Interpretive Signs are complete.  The five signs will be unveiled on May 6, 2017.  The first unveiling with be at the Ulster Delaware Depot, 101 Bridge Street, Roxbury, NY 12474 at 11:00.

Phase two for the Historic Interpretive signs could start. Margaret Ellsworth will write a grant application to The A. Lindsay & Olive B. O’Connor Foundation for funding for the next phase.

Commission had a discussion on the property located at 53568 State Highway 30, Roxbury, NY 12474.  This property is the Reeds Hotel.  Michael Mathis will be writing a letter to go to the Roxbury Town Board on the Commission concerns with this property.

On motion of Doug McLaurine second by Margaret Ellsworth meeting adjourned at 10:20.


Roxbury Tuwn Board Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2017


May 9, 2017 - Tuesday Forum Program