Roxbury Town Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes - August 14,2017


The regular meeting of the Town Board was held August 14, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Grand Gorge Civic Center. Present were: Supervisor Thomas S. Hynes, Councilmen Gene Cronk, Edward Raeder and Carol Murray, Hwy. Supt. Neil German, Assessor Robert Breglio, Assessor Clerk Stephanie Seminara, Parks Clerk Carolynn Faraci, Attorney Kevin Young and 6 residents. Councilman Allen Hinkley was absent.

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Carol Murray the Town Board approved the Minutes of the July 10, 2017 meeting.
AYES-4 Cronk, Murray, Raeder, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

Hwy. Supt. Neil German distributed a quote for a used Hamm roller from R.H Finke at a cost of $44,500 less trade-in of an old roller of $25,000 for a final cost of $19,500 that would be paid off in monthly payments. German also requested hiring Trent Perry to fill an HEO vacancy, further reported crews continue to stone & oil roads, clean ditches and have removed the 30 MPH signs on Hubbell Corners Rd. and replaced them with State approved 25 MPH signs.

On motion of Carol Murray second by Gene Cronk the following resolution was offered and adopted:
“RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes the purchase of a used Hamm Model 3412 Dirt Roller from Finke Equipment. at a cost of $44,500 less $25,000 trade-in for a final cost of $19,500 to be paid in 6 monthly installments of $3,250 per month.”
AYES-4 Murray, Cronk, Raeder, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:
“RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes the hiring of Trent Perry as full-time HEO on the Highway Dept. effective September 12, 2017 at a rate of $18.66 per hour plus benefits.”
AYES-4 Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

Assessor Robert Breglio submitted a written report to the Town Board and stated he has begun checking new building permit work and status of old work in anticipation of the 2018 Tax Roll, he will now have access to the STAR credit check lists, has been making sure all exemption paperwork is in order due to the Comptroller’s office checking on same, and reported things are working out well with the new Building Inspector.

Parks Clerk Carolynn Faraci reported she met with representatives and interns from Lynhurst which is connected with Roxbury’s original Gould/Shepard properties that included a tour of the Jay Gould Church, Kirkside Adult home, Kirkside Park and Shepard Hills Golf Course. They would like to continue the tour annually as well as having the interns rotate working here. They are also planning to take some saplings of certain trees from the golf course to plant at Lynhurst as the ones there are now gone. Faraci also requested some changes to the current pavilion rental agreement as there have been some issues. Attorney Young will look into the matter and supply a draft copy to the Town Board.

Supv. Hynes reported a plugged sewer line has been repaired in Denver Sewer District. Stones and cloth wipes were the problem.

Supv. Hynes reported work has been completed on the office building at the Transfer Station and the gate continues to be worked on. Councilman Cronk expressed concerns with excessive C&D box overage charges and would like to see large contractor loads denied dumping there. The matter was discussed but no action was taken.

Tara Jo Donadio of Cornell Cooperative Extension was given the floor to do a power point presentation of the Clean Energy Program being offered through NYSERDA. The program was discussed as well as funding. No action was taken.

No action was taken on the letter received from the Munsell’s regarding their water usage and charges as we are waiting to hear back from the owners.

A letter was received from Richard Kohlberger who was also present at the meeting, and is the owner of Early Sunrise Farm on Cronk Road. He is requesting the road be abandoned allowing him to use it as a private road because it provides access only to his property and he would like to expand his farming. If abandoned, the Town would not have to maintain the road anymore and it would allow him a more secure property with no traffic coming up the road. Attorney Young will research the matter.

Attorney Young discussed DEP updating their analysis of the impact of their land purchases in the Town of Roxbury where it is the highest in Delaware County. It has been proven there has not been any major building here and the purchases appear to interfere with flood mitigation measures. Therefore, DEP will supposedly not solicit for more land purchases in the Town at this time.

Discussion took place on a letter received from Joel & Susanna Craig requesting reimbursement of plumber fees associated with a sewer line repair required on their sewer line at Roxbury Run Village last fall that was backing up into their unit. It originally appeared the problem was the responsibility of the owner, but upon further inspection it was found to be on the District’s line.

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:
“RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes a reimbursement to Joel Craig, owner of Roxbury Run Village Unit 8-2, in the amount of $259.20 for plumber fees he incurred for a plugged sewer line that was found to be the responsibility of the Sewer District.”
AYES-4 Cronk, Reader, Murray, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Edward Raeder the Town Board approved the Town Clerk’s monthly report for July 2017 in the amount of $3,061.45 (Town Clerk $471.45 and Building Permits $2,590.00)
AYES-4 Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

On motion of Carol Murray second by Edward Raeder the Town Board approved the Supervisor’s monthly report for June 2017.
AYES-4 Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Gene Cronk the Town Board approved the Assessor’s monthly report for July 2017.
AYES-4 Raeder, Cronk, Murray, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley
On motion of Carol Murray second by Edward Raeder the Town Board approved the Building Inspector’s monthly report for July 2017.
AYES-4 Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Edward Raeder the Town Board approved the Monthly Report of Water Receipt’s for July 2017 in the following amounts: Denver $2,951.30; Grand Gorge $3,274.42 and Roxbury $4,182.51.
AYES-4 Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Gene Cronk the Town Board approved the Justice Court monthly report for June 2017 in the amount of $8,912.00.
AYES-4 Raeder, Cronk, Murray, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Edward Raeder the following resolution was offered and adopted:
“RESOLVED, the Town of Roxbury will hold a Public Hearing on September 11, 2017 at 6:45 pm at the Town Hall, 53690 State Hwy 30, Roxbury, NY for the purpose of receiving citizen’s comments regarding the Town’s intent to apply for up to $400,000 in financial assistance to NYS Homes and Community Renewal via a 2017 Consolidated Funding Application under the Community Development Block Grant program to provide housing rehabilitation and repairs for 10 low-moderate income homeowners.”
AYES-4 Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

The CPA’s have concluded their audit of financials for the year 2016. No major problems were found. A copy has been given to the Town Board, filed with the State Comptroller’s Office and is on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.

No action was taken on bonding for any of the water projects.

GeoLogic has completed a Data Evaluation for the Grand Gorge/Roxbury Water Project that was distributed to the Town Board and is on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.

Discussion took place on changing the start time for the September regular meeting due to having a lengthy presentation scheduled.

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Carol Murray the following resolution was offered and adopted:
“WHEREAS, the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board was scheduled to be held September 11, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board approves changing the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board scheduled for September 11, 2017 to begin at 7:00 pm instead of 7:30 pm.”
AYES-4 Cronk, Murray, Raeder, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

Discussion took place on possible changes to the road takeover specifications, partially due to assessments being at 100% now. A copy of the current specs were distributed to the Board. Attorney Kevin Young will look into the matter.

Supervisor Hynes stated the road into the Denver Water well field needs work for better ingress & egress. Michael Harrington of Lamont Engineers will get pricing to repair the road.

Supv. Hynes stated negotiations are still ongoing with the Hinkley appraisal associated with the Grand Gorge/Roxbury Water Project.

Discussion took place on being able to re-open the Roxbury Springs to supply water to Roxbury and Grand Gorge Water Districts. No word has been received from NYS Dept. of Health yet.

No action was taken on the water line repair by Greg Stock’s residence. Supv. Hynes still needs to speak with the owner.

Supv. Hynes reported the graffiti on Main Street Roxbury has been taken care of.

One more resident arrived to the meeting.

Councilwoman Carol Murray moved to go into Executive Session, Edward Raeder seconded the motion and the Town Board went into Executive Session at 9:00 pm to discuss a personnel matter. Present were: Supervisor Thomas S.Hynes, Councilmen Gene Cronk, Edward Raeder and Carol Murray and Attorney Kevin Young.
AYES-4 Murray, Raeder, Cronk, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

The Town Board and Attorney exited Executive Session where Councilman Gene Cronk moved and Edward Raeder seconded to return to the regular meeting at 9:27 pm.
AYES-4 Cronk, Raeder, Murray, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

It was stated no decisions were made on the Highway Contract.

On motion of Gene Cronk second by Carol Murray the bills were audited and ordered paid in the following amounts:

AYES-4 Cronk, Murray, Raeder, Hynes
ABSENT-1 Hinkley

On motion of Edward Raeder second by Carol Murray the meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.


Diane Pickett, Town Clerk
Thomas S. Hynes, Supervisor
Gene Cronk, Councilman
Edward Raeder, Councilman
Carol Murray, Councilwoman


Roxbury Revelry - A Labor Day Celebration in in the Village of Roxbury


The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Roxbury Town Board - Monday September 11, 2017