July 2017 Planning Board Minutes

Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting Roxbury Town Hall
July 19, 2017

The regular meeting of the Town of Roxbury Planning Board was held July 19, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall.

Present: Chairman Phillip Zorda, Members Robert Cole, Brad Zambri, David Cowan and Edward Hinkley, Kristin Janke-Schneider of the Delaware County Planning Department.

Absent: Joseph Farleigh, Jean Stone
Brian Murray, a town landowner, was also present. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The Minutes of the June 21, 2017 meeting were approved on motion of Dave Cowan second by Robert Cole.
AYES-5 Cowan, Cole, Zambri, Hinkley, Zorda

Sketch Map No. 157.3-2-25
Mary Ann Todd – Lake St. – 2 lot subdivision
A sketch plan of a 2 lot subdivision prepared by Victor Fairbairn for Mary Ann Todd was reviewed. It was proposed that the commercial kitchen and a 0.21 acre parcel be subdivided from the original lot, leaving the residence on the remaining 0.51 acre parcel. Concerns were raised about access to the kitchen and the ability to install separate sewer and water connections to the kitchen within the kitchen parcel.

On motion of Robert Cole second by Dave Cowan, the Planning Board denied the subdivision as shown on the sketch map.
AYES-5 Cowan, Cole, Zambri, Hinkley, Zorda

Brian Murray owns parcel 1157.-3-8.1 upon which a small airstrip exists. He discussed his ideas for expanding the airstrip.

On motion of Brad Zambri second by Edward Hinkley the meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.


ROXBURY TOWN BOARD Regular Meeting October 9, 2017 Town Hall


October 2017 Roxbury Library Association Tuesday Forum Program