Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting Roxbury Town Hall October 17, 2018

Please note that we have rescheduled the November meeting from the 21st to the 20th and that we have scheduled a Public Hearing on the George Suess subdivision.

Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Roxbury Town Hall
October 17, 2018

The regular meeting of the Town of Roxbury Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 PM at the Roxbury
Town Hall.

Present: Chairman Phillip Zorda, members Robert Cole, David Cowan, Brad Zambri and Diane Munro; Kristin
Janke-Schneider of the Delaware County Planning Department

The Minutes of the September 19, 2018 meeting were approved on motion of David Cowan, second by Robert
AYES – All

Parcel No. 92.1-2-21.1
Henry Gockel, NYS Rt 23 – Two Lot Subdivision

Mr. Gockel presented a sketch of a proposed subdivision of parcel 92.1-2-21.1 on NYS Rt 23 in Grand Gorge.
We told him the proposal looked ok and told him the procedure to follow and indicated that he would need to
contact NYS DOT about a driveway to Rt 23.

Parcel No. 157.2-1-4
George Suess, Maple Lane and Montgomery Hollow Road – Two Lot Subdivision – Sketch Plan

Rob Allison presented an application and drawing of a subdivision proposed for parcel 157.2-1-4 owned by
George Suess on the corner of Maple Lane and Montgomery Hollow Road in Roxbury. There are two houses
on the property and Mr. Suess wishes to create a separate parcel for the house on Maple Lane. The houses
share a well, but have individual connections to the town sewer. The subdivision will create a parcel of 10.33
acres and one of 0.23 acres.

A motion to classify this as a minor subdivision was made by Brad Zambri second by Robert Cole.
AYES – All

A motion to hold a Public Hearing on the subdivision on November 20, 2018 was made by Diane Munro
second by David Cowan.
AYES – all

As the regular November meeting is schedule for the 21st, the day before Thanksgiving and several members
would be unable to attend, it was decided to move the meeting to the 20th.

There was a discussion on WAC easements.
On motion of Brad Zambri, second by David Cowan, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
AYES – all

Phillip Zorda



Unapproved October 8 Regular Meeting and October 17 Special Meeting minutes


Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting Roxbury Town Hall September 19, 2018