TO:         Water customers on the following roads:

                ►Crest Drive

                ►Ridge Road

►Vega Mountain Rd. – only those customers between house #4898 and up Vega Mtn Rd. to the end of the District at house #4690. Therefore, not all customers on Vega Mtn. Rd. are affected.

FROM:  Diane Pickett, Water Clerk

DATE:    9/18/21

We will be re-routing the water main that runs from the Roxbury Water reservoir down to Vega Mountain Rd.

To do this work:

Your water will be off

Wednesday September 22, 2021 (rain date Thursday September 23, 2021)

7:00 am – 3:00 pm (estimated)

Only those customers listed above are affected by this notice and all owners will be notified.

Please anticipate your water needs during this time.

Once water is restored let it run a couple of minutes as it may be dirty or riled.

A Boil Water notice IS NOT required. If something changes, you will be notified. If you experience dirty water and feel more comfortable boiling it, please do so for a minimum of one minute before use.

Water will continue to be chlorinated before and after work.

If you have any other problems after water restoration please contact me @ 607-326-7641.

Thank you for your patience.



Roxbury Town Board Special Meeting


Video: Roxbury Town Board Meeting September 13th, 2021, 7PM @ TOWN HALL