August 18, 2014 - Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes

August 18, 2014

A meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held August 18, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Roxbury Town Hall.  Present Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members, Philip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson, Martin Lerner

Due to a conflict with Darrell Slater Lewis Wendell has rescued himself from his application.

On motion by Philip Lenihan seconded by Martin Lerner, to send letter to Darrell Slater (unless we have received a completed application from him that we were unaware of) asking him to comply with the application process and to provide the Commission with plans for the project for Commission review.

AYES-3 Philip Lenihan, Martin Lerner, Nicole Haroldson
ABSTAIN-1 Lewis Wendell

On motion by Philip Lenihan seconded by Lewis Wendell to approve the Jerry Hamil/Marilyn Anderson project as submitted.

AYES-4 Philip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell, Martin Lerner, Nicole Haroldson

Philip Lenihan has no updates on the kiosk.  He will be meeting with the contractor on Wednesday.

On motion by Philip Lenihan Seconded by Nicole Haroldson meeting adjourned at 7:35.

AYES-4 Philip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson, Lewis Wendell, Martin Lerner


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