Planning Board Meeting Approved Minutes - January 21, 2015

Wednesday January 21, 2015 Roxbury Planning Board Meeting
Present: Dave Cowan, Jean Stone, Rob Cole, Phil Zorda, Delaware County Planner Molly Oliver
Absent: Jill Ribbich, Melony Lee, Dave Zambri, Joe Farleigh

Vice Chairman Cowan called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

Minutes of the December meeting were reviewed and approved. Zorda, Stone – Passed.

Phil Zorda moved, seconded by Jean Stone to approve the minutes of the December 17, 2014 meeting. Motion approved unanimously.

Rob Allyson updated the Board on the progress of design and planning for The Roxbury at Stratton Falls project. Rob presented and reviewed the letters from the NYS DEC, NYDEP, and NYS Dept. of Health agreeing that the Roxbury Planning Board would assume Lead Agency status for the project. At the present time the well is being dug and has not yet yielded the required flow rate. Septic and grading planning is continuing. An architect has been chosen and they are beginning design. Rob expects to have further updates at the February meeting. It is possible that a public hearing could be held in March. The owners’ goal is to have preliminary Site Plan approval at the April 15 Board meeting. Molly Oliver indicated that there was an initial letter from the DEC concerning the project and that Rob is to forward a copy of the letter to the Board. She also indicated that minor changes to the SEQR document may be needed after design is finalized.

Phil Zorda moved, seconded by Rob Cole to approve the Roxbury Planning Board as Lead Agency for the project. Motion approved unanimously.

Emily Gray asked the Board about the requirements to sell an approximately 2 acre piece of her 42 acre property to an adjoining neighbor. This piece of her property contains a large storage building that she has no use for. She was told that it appears that it would be a Boundary Line Adjustment. She would be required to have the piece of property surveyed and present a BLA application and a survey map to the Board.

Phil Zorda moved, seconded by Dave Cowan to adjourn the meeting at 8:15. Motion approved unanimously.

Phil Zorda, Acting secretary


Town Board Meeting Agenda - March 2, 2015


GRBA Monthly Business Mixer - February 24 at 5:30 pm at T Bar Saloon