Planning Board Meeting Approved Minutes - February 17, 2015

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2015
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Rob Cole, Phil Zorda, Dave Cowan, Jill Ribich as Alternate member, Molly Oliver of Delaware Co Planning Dept.
Absent: Joe Farleigh, Melanie Lee, Jean Stone, Dave Zambri

Acting Chairman Dave Cowan called the meeting to order at 7:30.

Motion to approve minutes: Proposed by proposed, Phil Zorda second by Rob Cole. All in Favor

Also present Rob Allison representing The Roxbury (Motel).

It was suggested by Phil Zorda that Melanie Lee should be asked to officially step down from the planning board due to lack of attendance.

Rob Allison re:  The Roxbury Motel.  One well has been drilled on the property known as “The Roxbury at Stratton Falls” producing the minimum flow of 8 gal. per minute. A second well will be drilled at the upper end of the property. Retaining walls and parking lots were pointed out on the site map.  They are waiting on the county for approvals on some of these projects.

Mr. Allison presented drawings of the house showing two additions: a mud room on the front and a breakfast room on the back of the building with balcony/patio above with stairs leading down. The drawing also depicted the return of a pergola on the roof as was the case in the original building.

Mr. Allison requested that there be a public meeting in March to inform adjoining properties and the public to present the project as proposed and to address any concerns regarding the proposed construction project. Mr. Allison also said that his client would waive the 60 day waiting period for a public meeting. Notice of the public hearing must go out 15 days prior to the scheduled meeting on March 18th.  It was suggested that they bring presentations for the:

1.     Signage
2.     Lighting
3.     Septic
4.     Entrance from the road

A motion was made by Phil Zorda to have the public hearing regarding the site plan for the Roxbury at Stratton Falls as requested above.  Second by Rob Cole. All in favor.

It was requested that Mr. Allison include the SEQRA and site plan application be added to the presentation books of the Planning Board members.

8:20    Motion to adjourn by Phil Zorda, seconded by Rob Cole.


Planning Board Meeting Approved Minutes - March 18, 2015


Notice - Annual Financial Update Document for the Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, has been filed