Planning Board Meeting Approved Minutes - March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Rob Cole, Phil Zorda, Dave Cowan, Jill Ribich, secretary and alternate member, Molly Oliver of Delaware Co Planning Dept. Kevin Young, Attorney for the Town of Roxbury.

Absent: Joe Farleigh, Melanie Lee, Jean Stone, Dave Zambri

Also present Rob Allison representing The Roxbury (Motel), Greg Henderson & Joseph Masa of the Roxbury Motel. Eleven members of the community attended.

Acting Vice-Chairman Dave Cowan called the public hearing to order at 7:30 PM.

The public hearing announcement was published in the paper and the proper mailings were completed.

Greg Henderson, partner in the development, Roxbury at Stratton Falls, stated the main reason for the public meeting was to “get ducks in a row” to secure financing for the project. He gave a brief history of the property at Stratton Falls where the Roxbury of Stratton Falls is to be developed. Economic benefits to the community: they maintain 22 people on a permanent payroll at this time. Every dollar spent in this community has a direct effect on the economy of the community. Also indirect benefit of the Roxbury and guests spend money in the community, and the induced effect of their employee’s spending money here and elsewhere.

Mr. Henderson presented photos of the property, past and present, and their plans for the renovation of the house.  The general exterior design of the house will not change.  There will be a mudroom added to the front entrance. The second addition is in the rear of the house which is mostly bringing back an extension of the original house, adding 15 additional feet.  This will be a dining/meeting area for the guests. The themes of each of the seven rooms will reflect the history of the house. Five additional accommodation dwellings will be added; three will be duplexes, two will be single dwellings. They will be placed along the site of the original road through the property. This will equal a total of 15 guest units at the Stratton Falls site. There will also be a manager’s apartment. The plans include 40 parking spaces.  The stone bridge will be reinforced, but unchanged in structure. The current entrance/driveway will be moved according to the requirements of the Delaware County Dept. of Public Works. There will be a swimming pool with a cabana and a spa added to the property and hiking trails created that will take people to the area of the falls where a small observation deck will be built at the top of the falls. A second deck will be built looking back at the falls. The trail will not be lighted so as not to encourage people to hike that area at night. There will be some low lighting of the falls themselves. They might build a pedestrian bridge making the trail into a loop.

Rob Allison, project manager and surveyor, talked about the site development.  The site plan was designed to preserve wildlife and trees with the least amount of disruption of the existing property.

Review letter from the county to shift the proposed new entrance farther from the structure of the bridge in order to accommodate access to the bridge.  The proposed driveway will be moved 14 feet farther to the NE of the existing entrance.  Retaining walls will be built if needed, the banks graded.  Storm water system consists of a series of ponds and underground tanks. 1.6 acres will be developed.

They are constantly presenting information as requested to the different regulatory agencies to stay current with regulations and requirements.

1.     Signage will be at the entrance monuments and up lighted. This will be the only signage on County Rd. 41. Other signage is on the property and presented in the info to the planning board.

2.     Lighting: the lighting plans have been revised several times. The lighting will be minimal. There will be 54 fixtures of reduced lumens: many small sconces, walkway lights, up lighting tucked into the property so as not to disturb guests or neighbors.

3.     Septic pending approval of DEP

4.     Entrance from the road will be moved according to requirements of the review letter from the county.

5.     A second well will be added. The well water will be treated in a small treatment (chlorine) facility in the basement of the house pending approval off DOH.

Marshall Rudd, resident of Cold Spring Road, asked if the guiderail along Cold Spring Rd. at the site of the falls will be moved so that people cannot park along the road to walk down the falls. There is an existing “pull off” along the road. Mr. Rudd feels that cars in this area can create a hazard to cars driving on Cold Spring Road as there is a blind curve just above this point.  Mr. Henderson stated that is in the highway  right-of-way, and that any changes there will need to come from the Town. This “pull off” is along a town road and not a part of the Roxbury at Stratton Falls property.

Allen Hinkley, Town of Roxbury Fire Chief asked is there will there be any public access to the falls? Mr. Henderson stated that they want the public to be able to enjoy the falls “within reason”. He will ask his attorney about this subject. Mr. Hinkley expressed his support of the project.

Brian Muldar, resident of Cold Spring Road, also expressed support of the project.

Mr.  Rich Kreig, who lives directly above the Stratton Falls property was concerned about the lighting, but is pleased to hear the plans of minimal lighting. Mr. Henderson explained that most lighting will be green and not obtrusive.

Acting vice-chairman, Dave Cowan asked if there were further comments from the public and proposed to close the public hearing at 8:30, seconded by Phil Zorda.

General meeting called to order at 8:35 by Dave Cowan.

Rob Allison distributed more information for the folders of the planning board. Mr. Henderson and Mr. Masa also remained.

They have submitted information to SHPO. They cannot get DEC approval without SHPO approval.

There was a discussion between a representative of SHPO and Mr. Henderson about if he is interested in listing the house on the National Historic Register.  The mudroom addition would be the only deterrent to this designation.  This could have an impact on funding, permits, and construction plans as they are presented today.

There was discussion of adding a footbridge over the stream at a later time. DEP commented that they should use indigenous plants and avoid introducing any invasive species. Mr. Henderson also commented on the possibility of future signage along the walking path naming the plants.

They asked what further information is required by the planning board to approve the project by April 15th?

Mr. Young and Ms. Oliver felt that performance spec plan should suffice. The plan should be very close to what will actually be built via the site plan and leaving room for minor adjustments required by government agencies.

Minutes of February meeting were amended to show that Jean Stone was absent from that meeting, and that the date of the March meeting should read March 18th rather than March 15th.  Motion to approve the amended minutes by Phil Zorda and seconded by Rob Cole. 9:35 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.


Roxbury Town Board Meeting Agenda - April 13, 2015


Planning Board Meeting Approved Minutes - February 17, 2015