Roxbury Planning Board Approved February Minutes and the Draft March Minutes
Here are the:
Approved February Minutes
Draft March Minutes
Legal Notice Planning Board
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Roxbury Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law on the application of
Henry & Linda Gockel – Tax Map #92.1-2-21.1 – State Hwy 23 – 2 lot subdivision for the approval of a subdivision plat.
SAID HEARING will be held on March 20, 2019 at the Roxbury Town Hall, 53690 St. Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY at 7:30 pm, at which time all interested persons will have the opportunity to be heard.
It is the policy of the Town of Roxbury not to discriminate on the basis of disability. Please contact Diane Pickett, Town Clerk at (607) 326-7641 if you need any special accommodations and the Town will make the appropriate arrangements to ensure that you can participate in this public meeting.
By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Phillip Zorda, Chairman
Dated: February 20, 2018
Notice is hereby given that the Historic Preservation Commission, Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, for the year 2019 will hold quarterly meetings the third Saturdays of January, April, July and October at 10:00 am at the Town Hall for their Regular Meeting.
By Order of the Town Board
Diane Pickett, Town Clerk
Dated: Jan. 2, 2019
NOTICE Planning Board Minutes
*August No Meeting
*Approved September Minutes
*Draft October Minutes
Town of Roxbury Planning Board scheduled for November 21, 2018 has been changed
The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Roxbury Planning Board scheduled for November 21, 2018 has been changed and will be held November 20, 2018 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall due to the holiday.
By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Phillip Zorda, Chairman
Dated: October 17, 2018
Town of Roxbury Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Roxbury Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law on the application of
George Suess – Tax Map #157.2-1-4 – Maple Lane – 2 lot subdivision -Sketch Plan
for the approval of a subdivision plat.
SAID HEARING will be held on November 20, 2018 at the Roxbury Town Hall, 53690 St. Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY at 7:30 pm, at which time all interested persons will have the opportunity to be heard.
It is the policy of the Town of Roxbury not to discriminate on the basis of disability. Please contact Diane Pickett, Town Clerk at (607) 326-7641 if you need any special accommodations and the Town will make the appropriate arrangements to ensure that you can participate in this public meeting.
By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Phillip Zorda, Chairman
Dated: October 17, 2018
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting Roxbury Town Hall October 17, 2018
Please note that we have rescheduled the November meeting from the 21st to the 20th and that we have scheduled a Public Hearing on the George Suess subdivision.
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting
Roxbury Town Hall
October 17, 2018
The regular meeting of the Town of Roxbury Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 PM at the Roxbury
Town Hall.
Present: Chairman Phillip Zorda, members Robert Cole, David Cowan, Brad Zambri and Diane Munro; Kristin
Janke-Schneider of the Delaware County Planning Department
The Minutes of the September 19, 2018 meeting were approved on motion of David Cowan, second by Robert
AYES – All
Parcel No. 92.1-2-21.1
Henry Gockel, NYS Rt 23 – Two Lot Subdivision
Mr. Gockel presented a sketch of a proposed subdivision of parcel 92.1-2-21.1 on NYS Rt 23 in Grand Gorge.
We told him the proposal looked ok and told him the procedure to follow and indicated that he would need to
contact NYS DOT about a driveway to Rt 23.
Parcel No. 157.2-1-4
George Suess, Maple Lane and Montgomery Hollow Road – Two Lot Subdivision – Sketch Plan
Rob Allison presented an application and drawing of a subdivision proposed for parcel 157.2-1-4 owned by
George Suess on the corner of Maple Lane and Montgomery Hollow Road in Roxbury. There are two houses
on the property and Mr. Suess wishes to create a separate parcel for the house on Maple Lane. The houses
share a well, but have individual connections to the town sewer. The subdivision will create a parcel of 10.33
acres and one of 0.23 acres.
A motion to classify this as a minor subdivision was made by Brad Zambri second by Robert Cole.
AYES – All
A motion to hold a Public Hearing on the subdivision on November 20, 2018 was made by Diane Munro
second by David Cowan.
AYES – all
As the regular November meeting is schedule for the 21st, the day before Thanksgiving and several members
would be unable to attend, it was decided to move the meeting to the 20th.
There was a discussion on WAC easements.
On motion of Brad Zambri, second by David Cowan, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
AYES – all
Phillip Zorda
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting Roxbury Town Hall September 19, 2018
P.O. Box 189
Roxbury, NY 12474
The Town of Roxbury will hold a public hearing on October 17th 2018 at 6:45 located at the Town Office Building, 53690 State Highway 30, Roxbury, NY 12474 for the purpose of hearing public comments on the Town of Roxbury’s community development needs, and to discuss the possible submission of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application for the 2018 program year. The CDBG program is administered by the New York State Office of Community Renewal (OCR), and will make available to eligible local governments approximately $12 million for housing, economic development, public facilities, public infrastructure, and planning activities, with the principal purpose of benefitting low/moderate income persons. The hearing will provide further information about the CDBG program and will allow for citizen participation in the development of any proposed grant applications and/or to provide technical assistance to develop alternate proposals. Comments on the CDBG program or proposed project(s) will be received at this time. The hearing is being conducted pursuant to Section 570.486, Subpart I of the CFR and in compliance with the requirements of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.
The location of hearing is accessible to persons with disabilities. If special accommodations are needed for persons with disabilities, those with hearing impairments, or those in need of translation from English, those individuals should contact Diane Pickett, Town Clerk, at 607-326-7641 at least one week in advance of the hearing date to allow for necessary arrangements. Written comments may also be submitted to Diane Pickett at PO Box 189, Roxbury, NY 12474 until Friday November 2, 2018.
Diane Pickett
Town Clerk
Town of Roxbury
Planning Board Minutes, December Approved and January Unapproved
Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing
Town of Roxbury
PO Box 189 – 53690 State Hwy 30
Roxbury, NY 12474
Phone 607-326-7641 FAX 607-326-7641
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Roxbury Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law on the application(s) of
Richard Purchell Estate – Tax Map #221.-1-2 – Carroll Hinkley Rd. – 2 lot subdivision
for the approval of a subdivision plat.
SAID HEARING will be held on December 20, 2017 at the Roxbury Town Hall, 53690 St. Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY at 7:30 pm, at which time all interested persons will have the opportunity to be heard.
It is the policy of the Town of Roxbury not to discriminate on the basis of disability. Please contact Diane Pickett, Town Clerk at (607) 326-7641 if you need any special accommodations and the Town will make the appropriate arrangements to ensure that you can participate in this public meeting.
By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Phillip Zorda, Chairman
Dated: November 27, 2017
Roxbury Planning Board Minutes
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting
Roxbury Town Hall
September 20, 2017
The regular meeting of the Town of Roxbury Planning Board was held September 20, 2017
at 7:30 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall.
Present: Chairman Phillip Zorda, Members Robert Cole, Brad Zambri, David Cowan and Edward Hinkley, Kristin Janke-Schneider of the Delaware County Planning Department.
Absent: Joseph Farleigh
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm.
The Minutes of the July 19, 2017 meeting were approved on motion of Ed Hinkley second by David Cowan.
AYES-5 Cowan, Cole, Zambri, Hinkley, Zorda
August 16, 2017 Meeting
Present: Chairman Phillip Zorda, Members Brad Zambri, David Cowan, Kristin Janke-Schneider of the Delaware County Planning Department.
There was no official August meeting due to the lack of a quorum. However, Dennis and Diane Muthig, Jump Brook Rd., Grand Gorge were in attendance to ask about subdividing their property. They were told the procedure to follow and we discussed some issues they might have in connecting the new parcel to town water and sewer.
Boundary Line Adjustment – 92.-1-16.2
Joe and Linda Rohacevich – NYS Rte. 23
Linda asked if it was possible to add a piece of land to the side of their property and also to add a piece of land across Rte 23 to their property. The land would come from Linda’s mother’s parcel, 92.-1-16.1. The Board explained that it would fall under a Boundary Line Adjustment and Linda was given a copy of the BLA application. The Board also explained the procedure to follow.
Jean Stone – Resignation
On August 11, 2017 Phillip Zorda received an email from Jean Stone tendering her resignation from the Planning Board.
On motion of Brad Zambri second by Robert Cole the meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
AYES – all
July 2017 Planning Board Minutes
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting Roxbury Town Hall
July 19, 2017
The regular meeting of the Town of Roxbury Planning Board was held July 19, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall.
Present: Chairman Phillip Zorda, Members Robert Cole, Brad Zambri, David Cowan and Edward Hinkley, Kristin Janke-Schneider of the Delaware County Planning Department.
Absent: Joseph Farleigh, Jean Stone
Brian Murray, a town landowner, was also present. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm.
The Minutes of the June 21, 2017 meeting were approved on motion of Dave Cowan second by Robert Cole.
AYES-5 Cowan, Cole, Zambri, Hinkley, Zorda
Sketch Map No. 157.3-2-25
Mary Ann Todd – Lake St. – 2 lot subdivision
A sketch plan of a 2 lot subdivision prepared by Victor Fairbairn for Mary Ann Todd was reviewed. It was proposed that the commercial kitchen and a 0.21 acre parcel be subdivided from the original lot, leaving the residence on the remaining 0.51 acre parcel. Concerns were raised about access to the kitchen and the ability to install separate sewer and water connections to the kitchen within the kitchen parcel.
On motion of Robert Cole second by Dave Cowan, the Planning Board denied the subdivision as shown on the sketch map.
AYES-5 Cowan, Cole, Zambri, Hinkley, Zorda
Brian Murray owns parcel 1157.-3-8.1 upon which a small airstrip exists. He discussed his ideas for expanding the airstrip.
On motion of Brad Zambri second by Edward Hinkley the meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Planning Board Minutes
Planning Board Minutes
Please click here for a PDF of the Planning Board Minutes
Town of Roxbury Planning Board April 19, 2017, Meeting is Canceled
Due to having no business to discuss.
The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Roxbury Planning Board scheduled for April 19, 2017 is canceled due to having no business to discuss. The next meeting will be held May 17, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall.
By Order of the Planning Board
Phillip Zorda, Chairman