Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town

Notice - Town of Roxbury Planning Board Public Hearing - March 18, 2015

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Roxbury Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law on the application(s) of:Masserson Holdings, LLC– Tax Map #178.-1-46 – #48 County Hwy. 41Description of Project: development of lodging at the Stratton Falls property


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Roxbury Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law on the application(s) of

Masserson Holdings, LLC– Tax Map #178.-1-46 – #48 County Hwy. 41
Description of Project: development of lodging at the Stratton Falls property

for the approval of a Site Plan Review.

SAID HEARING will be held on March 18, 2015 at the Roxbury Town Hall, 53690 St. Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY at 7:30 pm, at which time all interested persons will have the opportunity to be heard.

By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
David Cowan, Vice Chairman
Dated:  March 2, 2015

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Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

Planning Board Meeting Approved Minutes - January 21, 2015

Wednesday January 21, 2015 Roxbury Planning Board MeetingPresent: Dave Cowan, Jean Stone, Rob Cole, Phil Zorda, Delaware County Planner Molly OliverAbsent: Jill Ribbich, Melony Lee, Dave Zambri, Joe Farleigh

Wednesday January 21, 2015 Roxbury Planning Board Meeting
Present: Dave Cowan, Jean Stone, Rob Cole, Phil Zorda, Delaware County Planner Molly Oliver
Absent: Jill Ribbich, Melony Lee, Dave Zambri, Joe Farleigh

Vice Chairman Cowan called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

Minutes of the December meeting were reviewed and approved. Zorda, Stone – Passed.

Phil Zorda moved, seconded by Jean Stone to approve the minutes of the December 17, 2014 meeting. Motion approved unanimously.

Rob Allyson updated the Board on the progress of design and planning for The Roxbury at Stratton Falls project. Rob presented and reviewed the letters from the NYS DEC, NYDEP, and NYS Dept. of Health agreeing that the Roxbury Planning Board would assume Lead Agency status for the project. At the present time the well is being dug and has not yet yielded the required flow rate. Septic and grading planning is continuing. An architect has been chosen and they are beginning design. Rob expects to have further updates at the February meeting. It is possible that a public hearing could be held in March. The owners’ goal is to have preliminary Site Plan approval at the April 15 Board meeting. Molly Oliver indicated that there was an initial letter from the DEC concerning the project and that Rob is to forward a copy of the letter to the Board. She also indicated that minor changes to the SEQR document may be needed after design is finalized.

Phil Zorda moved, seconded by Rob Cole to approve the Roxbury Planning Board as Lead Agency for the project. Motion approved unanimously.

Emily Gray asked the Board about the requirements to sell an approximately 2 acre piece of her 42 acre property to an adjoining neighbor. This piece of her property contains a large storage building that she has no use for. She was told that it appears that it would be a Boundary Line Adjustment. She would be required to have the piece of property surveyed and present a BLA application and a survey map to the Board.

Phil Zorda moved, seconded by Dave Cowan to adjourn the meeting at 8:15. Motion approved unanimously.

Phil Zorda, Acting secretary

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Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town

Notice - Planning Board 2015 Meeting Schedule


Notice is hereby given that the Planning Board, Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, for the year 2015 will meet the third Wednesdays of each month for their Regular Monthly Meeting.  All meetings shall begin at 7:30 pm and will be held at the Town Hall, 53690 State Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY.

By Order of the Town Board
Diane Pickett, Town Clerk
Dated: Jan. 2, 2015

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Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

Planning Board - November 19, 2014, Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 19, 2014Present: Rob Cole, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Dave Zambri, Joe Farleigh, Molly Oliver of Delaware Co Planning Dept.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Rob Cole, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Dave Zambri, Joe Farleigh, Molly Oliver of Delaware Co Planning Dept.

Absent: Phil Zorda, Melanie Lee,

Chairman Farleigh called the meeting to order at 7:30.

Motion to approve minutes: Proposed by Dave Zambri, Dave Cowan second.  All in favor.

Fred & Lee Kuhn presented a dated survey map tax parcel ID: 71.-2-5.1, of their property in preparation for an application for subdivision of their 350 acre farm located on 390 Kuhn Road.

Two parcels have been separated from the farm previously.  The Kuhn’s were advised to have a survey of the portion of the farm affected by the previous property transfers as well as the portion including their residence which they want to separate in preparation to form a LLC.  Molly Oliver will research county deed transfers from the 350 farm and report her findings to the Kuhns.

Molly Oliver presented two NYC Land Acquisition maps of parcels of property that NYC is proposing to purchase. The first map shows 258 acres on Hard Scrabble Road, plus 7.9 acres on the opposite side of Hard Scrabble Road. The second map shows 18.2 acres also on Hard Scrabble Road.  The planning board had no comments.

Adjourned 8:07 PM

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Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town

Public Hearing - Town of Roxbury Planning Board - October 15, 2014


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Roxbury Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law on the application(s) of Wojciechowski – Tax Map #177.-1-1 – Lower Meeker Hollow Rd. – 3 lot subdivision for the approval of a subdivision plat.

SAID HEARING will be held on October 15, 2014 at the Roxbury Town Hall, 53690 St. Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY at 7:30 pm, at which time all interested persons will have the opportunity to be heard.

By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Joseph Farleigh, Chairman

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Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town

Notice - Planning Board Monthly Meeting Cancelled - April 16, 2014


The Town of Roxbury Planning Board regular monthly meeting scheduled for April 16, 2014 has been canceled due to having no business to discuss. The next regular monthly meeting is scheduled for May 21, 2014 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall.

By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Joseph Farleigh, Chairman
Dated: April 14, 2014

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Notice - 2014 Planning Board Meeting Schedule


Notice is hereby given that the Planning Board, Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, for the year 2014 will meet the third Wednesdays of each month for their Regular Monthly Meeting. All meetings shall begin at 7:30 pm and will be held at the Town Hall, 53690 State Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY.

By Order of the Town Board
Diane Pickett, Town Clerk
Dated: Jan. 6, 2014

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Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town

Town Board Agenda - December 9, 2013

Public Hearings
Regular Meeting
December 9, 2013
Town Hall

Call To Order

7:00 pm Public Hearing – MTC Easement
7:15 pm Public Hearing – MTC Franchise Renewal
7:30 pm Regular Meeting


November 7th Regular meeting

Requests to Speak:

MTC Cable Franchise Renewal – Karen Munro & Glenn Faulkner

Department Reports:

Water / Sewer
Building & Grounds
Building Inspector
Community Resources

Old Business
New Business

Letters to the Board:

Dan Sullivan, Health Officer – re: living conditions

Discussion from residents



• Resolution – Town Board has reviewed current Employee Handbook (approve or change needed)
• Resolution – Town Clerk monthly Report for November 2013
• Resolution – Supervisor’s monthly Report for October 2013
• Resolution – Assessor’s monthly report for November 2013
• Resolution – Building Inspector monthly report
• Resolution – monthly water receipts report for November 2013 (Denver-GG-Roxb)
• Resolution – Justice Court monthly report for October 2013
• Resolution – appoint 1 more person for CDBG housing program review committee
• Resolution – Building Inspector agreement
• Resolution – MTC Easement
• Resolution – MTC Franchise Renewal
• Resolution – fill vacancy on Planning Board to expire 12/31/15
• Resolution – schedule year end meeting (December 27th @ ________pm)
• Resolution – schedule Organizational Meeting (January 2nd @ _________pm)


• Truck lawsuit status

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Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

Planning Board — February 10, 2013 Minutes

P.O. BOX 189 Main St.

Phone (607-326-7641)
Fax (607-326-7641)
Joe Farleigh, Chairman
David Cowan, Vice Chairman
Jean D’Antoni, Secretary


PRESENT: Joseph Farleigh, Dave Cowan, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Bob Cole,
JeanD’Antoni, and Duncan Martin from Delaware County.  Excused Absence: Dave Zambri.

Dave Cowan opened Public Hearing at 6:45 pm.  Adam Yagelsi represented Nan Stolzenburg for the Hearing.  Adam presented a slide show of the work that has been done to date.  He explained how we arrived with the recommendations that were presented. Three members of the community attended the Hearing.

All three responded well to the presentation, but one member stated that we should be doing more to advertise the Public Hearing.  It was explained that we did infact advertise in the paper, online and throughout the community.  If anyone was interested they would have come to the meeting.  It was also suggested that after this Plan is adopted by the Town Board and goes forward, that some groups get together in Grand Gorge and Roxbury and begin serious talks.  Adoption of this Plan will give the Delaware County Planning Board the opportunity to apply for grant applications and monies.


OPEN MEETING: Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm, by Joe Farleigh.  Minutes of January 16, 2013 were motioned for approval by Phil Zorda, seconded by Dave Cowan, all in favor, motioned carried.

SUBDIVISION: Jack DeStefano Trust Tax map# 223.00-1-10 Little Redkill Road Town of Roxbury NY. Public Hearing notice for this two lot  subdivision was not advertised in the newspaper. Notices To the adjacent homeowners were sent out and Rob Allison presented the receipts. One homeowner was present. The Board waived the Public Hearing announcement in the paper. If anyone objects to this, then the Board will have another Public Hearing for this subdivision Mr. Allison presented the Soils report, Subdivision Application, Letter of Representation, copy of Deed. Joe Farleigh filled out the Short Environmental Assessment Form.  Motion to approve negative declaration by Joe, seconded by Jean Stone, all in favor, motion carried.  Motion to approve minor two lot subdivision by Dave Cowan, seconded by Bob Cole, all in favor, motion carried. Rob Allison presented Check #614 for $50.00.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. by Joe Farleigh, seconded by Jean D’Antoni, all in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jean D’Antoni

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Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

PLANNING BOARD — Jan 16, 2013 Minutes

TOWN OF ROXBURY PLANNING BOARD                                           P.O. BOX 189 MAIN ST., ROXBURY, NY 12474
Phone (607-326-7641) Fax (607-326-7641)

Joe Farleigh, Chairman
David Cowan, Vice Chairman
Jean D’Antoni, Secretary

MINUTES FOR January 16, 2013

PRESENT: Chairman Joe Farleigh, VP Dave Cowan, Phil Zorda, Dave Zambri, Robert Cole, Jean Stone and Duncan Martin. Jean D’Antoni excused absence.

A motion was made by Phil Zorda to approve the minutes of the last meeting, Dave Zambri seconded, all in favor, motion passed.

MINOR SUBDIVISION: Rob Allison represented The Jack De Stefano Family Trust. Tax map #223.00-1-10 in the Town of Roxbury. A sketch plan was presented for the subdivision of said parcel into 2 lots of 51.7 and 95.67 acres with Fred Beemer. A copy of the deed is needed. This proposal will be moved to the agenda for next month.

Duncan questioned the fact that there was a cemetery on one of the parcels that the city would own. Language may be needed confirming that the family will retain access to and use of the cemetery. Rob will look into this.

The specific steps to move forward with presentation of the Plan were reviewed, including the possibility of the Town Board and the Planning Board holding a joint public meeting. Diane will schedule the public meeting.

Duncan made some suggestions to better correlate and tighten up the Plan. He will forward these to Nan to streamline the final Plan.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm by Joe Farleigh.

Respectfully submitted by
Jean Stone for Jean D’Antoni

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