Town of Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission Special Meeting - December 20, 2014
The Town of Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission will hold a special meeting on Saturday December 20, 2014 at 11:00 am at the Town Hall to discuss any business that may come before the Commission.
The Town of Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission will hold a special meeting on Saturday December 20, 2014 at 11:00 am at the Town Hall to discuss any business that may come before the Commission.
By Order of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission
Lewis Wendell, Chairman
Dated: Dec. 10, 2014
Notice - Town of Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission December 15, 2014, Meeting Canceled
The Town of Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission regular monthly meeting scheduled for December 15, 2014 has been canceled due to lack of a quorum of members able to attend.
The Town of Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission regular monthly meeting scheduled for December 15, 2014 has been canceled due to lack of a quorum of members able to attend.
By Order of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission
Lewis Wendell, Chairman
Dated: Dec. 10, 2014
November 28, 2014 - Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes
A special meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held November 28, 2014 at 11:11 a.m. at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present: Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members Michael Mathis, and Nicole Haroldson, Commission Clerk Carolynn Faraci
November 28, 2014
A special meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held November 28, 2014 at 11:11 a.m. at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present: Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members Michael Mathis, and Nicole Haroldson, Commission Clerk Carolynn Faraci
No members of the public were in attendance.
On motion by Michael Mathis, seconded by Lewis Wendell the minutes of September 15, 2014 were approved.
AYES-3 Michael Mathis, Lewis Wendell, Nicole Haroldson
On motion by Michael Mathis, seconded by Nicole Haroldson changes to the National Register of Historic Places to correct address.
AYES-3 Michael Mathis, Nicole Haroldson, Lewis Wendell
On motion by Lewis Wendell, seconded by Nicole Haroldson, an application submitted by George Boyle was deemed complete and accepted. Property located at 53655 State Highway 30, Roxbury, NY 12474. After further discussion the Certificate of Compatibility was denied on the basis of appropriateness and compatibility issues.
AYES-3 Lewis Wendell, Nicole Haroldson, Michael Mathis
Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission discussed potential new members. The names that were suggest are Michael Hinkley, David Cowan, and Margaret Ellsworth. Members of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission to talk with the individuals to determine their level of interest without making a formal offer.
Michael Mathis agreed to remain on the Roxbury Historic Preservation for an additional year.
Carolynn Faraci presented a database of photographs and addresses of the historic homes within the Hamlet. Reviewed and accepted with the Commission’s thanks.
Lewis Wendell noted that the expected letter from the Town Attorney elaborating on the Roxbury Town Boards decision to issue a Building Permit for the Slater Application without a complete Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission application or review process being completed, has still not been received despite several requests. The Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission will send a letter formally requesting clarification and that a copy of the letter be presented to them prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission.
On motion by Michael Mathis second by Nicole Haroldson meeting adjourned at
11:54 AM.
AYES-3 Michael Mathis, Nicole Haroldson, Lewis Wendell
Town of Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission Special Meeting - November 28, 2014
Due to lack of a quorum for the November 17, 2014 regular meeting of the Town of Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission, a Special Meeting will be held on November 28, 2014 at 11:00 am at the Town Hall to review and discuss applications that have been received by the Commission.
Louis Wendell, Chairman
Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission
Dated: Nov, 19, 2014
September 15, 2014 - Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes
A meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held September 15, 2014 at 7:12 p.m. at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present Lewis Wendell on conference call, Chairman, Commission Members Michael Mathis, Philip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson on conference call.
September 15, 2014
A meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held September 15, 2014 at 7:12 p.m. at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present Lewis Wendell on conference call, Chairman, Commission Members Michael Mathis, Philip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson on conference call.
On motion of Lewis Wendell seconded by Philip Lenihan June’s minutes were approved.
AYES-4 Philip Lenihan, Michael Mathis, By phone Lewis Wendell & Nicole Haroldson
On motion by Michael Mathis seconded by Lewis Wendell August minutes were approved.
AYES-3 Michael Mathis, Lewis Wendell-by phone, Philip Lenihan
Lewis Wendell to follow up with Carolynn Faraci to insure that a approval letter has been sent regarding the Hamil/Anderson application.
Michael Mathis noted that the Town Attorney informed Carolynn that a Building Permit has been issued to Darrell Later. Town Attorney to provide a letter of explanation to Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission.
Lewis Wendell has received prototype plaque from Catskill Castings. Changes to Prototype have been communicated to Catskill Castings. Final to come.
Photo-shopped diagram to be submitted by Lewis Wendell to Town Board for proposed Public Parking signage on Main Street Roxbury.
On motion by Lewis Wendell seconded by Philip Lenihan meeting adjourned at 7:25.
AYES-3 Lewis Wendell-by Phone, Philip Lenihan, Michael Mathis
August 18, 2014 - Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes
A meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held August 18, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members, Philip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson, Martin Lerner
August 18, 2014
A meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held August 18, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members, Philip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson, Martin Lerner
Due to a conflict with Darrell Slater Lewis Wendell has rescued himself from his application.
On motion by Philip Lenihan seconded by Martin Lerner, to send letter to Darrell Slater (unless we have received a completed application from him that we were unaware of) asking him to comply with the application process and to provide the Commission with plans for the project for Commission review.
AYES-3 Philip Lenihan, Martin Lerner, Nicole Haroldson
ABSTAIN-1 Lewis Wendell
On motion by Philip Lenihan seconded by Lewis Wendell to approve the Jerry Hamil/Marilyn Anderson project as submitted.
AYES-4 Philip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell, Martin Lerner, Nicole Haroldson
Philip Lenihan has no updates on the kiosk. He will be meeting with the contractor on Wednesday.
On motion by Philip Lenihan Seconded by Nicole Haroldson meeting adjourned at 7:35.
AYES-4 Philip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson, Lewis Wendell, Martin Lerner
June 21, 2014 - Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission Unapproved Minutes
The regular meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held June 21, 2014 at 12:00 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall.
June 21, 2014
The regular meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held June 21, 2014 at 12:00 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present-Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members Phillip Lenihan and Nicole Haroldson. Michael Mathis called in for the first part of the meeting.
On motion of Nicole Haroldson seconded by Phillip Lenihan the minutes of the May 19, 2014 were approved.
YES-4 Nicole Haroldson, Phillip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell, Michael Mathis
On motion of Phillip Lehihan seconded by Lewis Wendell, the Commission said that they would defer decision on Dimitri Mitriopoulos’ application to build a log home at 42 Ridge Road.
AYES- 4 Phillip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell, Nicole Haroldson
Darrell Slater spoke with the Commission on property located at 53698 State Highway 30.
On motion of Lewis Wendell seconded by Phillip Lenihan, the Commission agreed that the porch repair located at 53996 State Highway 30 could move forward.
AYES-3 Lewis Wendell, Phillip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson
On motion of Lewis Wendell seconded by Phillip Lenihan, approval of the installation of vinyl siding located at 53996 State Highway 30 would be deferred to the next meeting.
AYES-3 Lewis Wendell, Phillip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson
There was discussion on phase one of a display Kiosk to promote Roxbury being placed at the corner of State Highway 30 and County Route 41. The project is in the planning phase. Phillip Lenihan will be submitting applications for each phase of the Kiosk.
Lewis Wendell has not yet received the first historic plaque from Catskill Castings. He hopes to bring it to the meeting in August.
On motion of Phillip Lenihan seconded by Nicole Haroldson, The Commission recommends that Lewis Wendell will contact Catskill Castings and let them know that if Historic Plaque is not ready by next meeting Commission will look for a new company.
AYES-3 Phillip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson, Lewis Wendell
On motion by Phillip Lenihan second by Nicole Haroldson meeting adjourned at 1:00.
AYES-3 Phillip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson, Lewis Wendell
May 19, 2014 - Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission Approved Minutes
The regular meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held May 19, 2014 at 7:10 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present-Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members Phillip Lenihan and Nicole Haroldson. Martin Lerner called in for the first part of the meeting.
May 19, 2014
The regular meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held May 19, 2014 at 7:10 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present-Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members Phillip Lenihan and Nicole Haroldson. Martin Lerner called in for the first part of the meeting.
On motion of Lewis Wendell seconded by Phillip Lenihan the minutes of the April 21, 2014 were approved.
AYES-4 Lewis Wendell, Phillip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson, Martin Lerner
On motion by Lewis Wendell seconded by Phillip Lenihan approved Roxbury Wine & Spirits sign shall be twelve feet in length instead of the eight feet in length that was approved on April 5, 2014.
Andrew Camillone discussed the work he is doing on the house located at 100 Lake Street. The Commission stated the only item that came under their review would be the chimney that would go up the right side of the house. The chimney would be constructed of 8 inches galvanized pipe and would be four feet above the roof line.
On motion by Phillip Lenihan seconded by Lewis Wendell approved Andrew Camillone chimney placement with the exception that he send pictures of where the chimney would be placed.
AYES-3 Philip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell, Nicole Haroldson
On motion by Lewis Wendell seconded by Nicole Haroldson approved the form Certification of Compatibility be created.
AYES-3 Lewis Wendell, Nicole Haroldson, Phillip Lenihan
Kirkside of Roxbury is replacing the walkways, front porch and Bilco doors.
On motion by Phillip Lenihan seconded by Lewis Wendell approved the work being done at Kirkside of Roxbury.
AYES-3 Phillip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell, Nicole Haroldson
M-ARK is applying for restorative funds on behalf of the Jay Gould Memorial Reformed Church with a Consolidation Funding Application. They need a letter from the Chairman of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission.
On motion by Phillip Lenihan seconded by Lewis Wendell approved for a letter to be written
AYES-3 Phillip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell Nicole Haroldson
Lewis Wendell has ordered a Historic Plaque and should have it for the next monthly meeting.
On motion by Nicole Haroldson seconded by Phillip Lenihan meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm.
AYES-3 Nicole Haroldson, Phillip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell
Notice - Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission June 16, 2014, Meeting canceled
The Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission scheduled for Monday June 16, 2014 is canceled due to lack of a quorum of members.
Notice is hereby given the regular monthly meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission scheduled for Monday June 16, 2014 is canceled due to lack of a quorum of members. A special meeting of the Commission will be held Saturday June 21, 2014 at 12 Noon at the Town Hall.
Lewis Wendell, Chairman
Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission
Dated: June 9, 2014
May 19, 2014 - Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission Unapproved Minutes
May 19, 2014
The regular meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held May 19, 2014 at 7:10 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present-Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members Philip Lenihan and Nicole Haroldson. Martin Lerner called in for the first part of the meeting.
On motion of Lewis Wendell seconded by Philip Lenihan the minutes of the April 21, 2014, were approved.
AYES-4 Lewis Wendell, Philip Lenihan, Nicole Haroldson, Martin Lerner
On motion by Lewis Wendell seconded by Philip Lenihan approved Roxbury Wine & Spirits sign shall be twelve feet in length instead of the eight feet in length that was approved on April 5, 2014.
Andrew Camillone discussed the work he is doing on the house located at 100 Lake Street. The Commission stated the only item that came under their review would be the chimney that would go up the right side of the house. The chimney would be constructed of 8 inches galvanized pipe and would be four feet above the roof line.
On motion by Philip Lenihan seconded by Lewis Wendell approved Andrew Camillone chimney placement with the exception that he send pictures of where the chimney would be placed.
AYES-3 Philip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell, Nicole Haroldson
On motion by Lewis Wendell seconded by Nicole Haroldson approved the form Certification of Compatibility be created.
AYES-3 Lewis Wendell, Nicole Haroldson, Philip Lenihan
Kirkside of Roxbury is replacing the walkways, front porch and Bilco doors.
On motion by Philip Lenihan seconded by Lewis Wendell approved the work being done at Kirkside of Roxbury.
AYES-3 Philip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell, Nicole Haroldson
M-ARK is applying for restorative funds on behalf of the Jay Gould Memorial Reformed Church with a Consolidation Funding Application. They need a letter from the Chairman of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission.
On motion by Philip Lenihan seconded by Lewis Wendell approved for a letter to be written
AYES-3 Philip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell Nicole Haroldson
Lewis Wendell has ordered a Historic Plaque and should have it for the next monthly meeting.
On motion by Nicole Haroldson seconded by Philip Lenihan meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm.
AYES-3 Nicole Haroldson, Philip Lenihan, Lewis Wendell
April 21, 2014 - Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission Approved Minutes
The regular meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held April 21, 2014 at 7:08 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present-Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members Michael Mathis and Philip Lenihan.
April 21, 2014
The regular meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission was held April 21, 2014 at 7:08 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall. Present-Lewis Wendell, Chairman, Commission Members Michael Mathis and Philip Lenihan.
On motion of Michael Mathis seconded by Lewis Wendell the minutes of the April 5, 2014 were approved.
AYES-3 Michael Mathis, Lewis Wendell, Philip Lenihan
On motion by Philip Lenihan second by Michael Mathis, Nicole Haroldson was approved as the fifth Commission Member
AYES-3 Philip Lenihan, Michael Mathis, Lewis Wendell
On motion by Michael Mathis second by Lewis Wendell have approved the demolition of the property located at 4985 Vega Mountain Road.
The Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission approved demolition for the following reasons
• The retaining wall has collapsed and needs to be rebuilt with a guardrail
• House is too close to creek and the first floor is frequently flooded
• The structural beams are rotted
• Exterior walls are bowing showing structural damage and water infiltration
• Mold is prevalent on all floors
• Balcony has to be completely reconstructed
• Chimneys have to be reconstructed
• The removal of the structure would improve the sight lines and safety of Vega Mountain Road
The Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission reviewed a letter from Stephen Schuman, Highway Supervisor Town of Roxbury pertaining to the demolition of the above mentioned property.
AYES-3 Michael Mathis, Lewis Wendell, Philip Lenihan
The Roxbury Historic Perseveration Commission has agreed that the next step has to be taken with the Building Inspector for the Town of Roxbury. The Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission will be composing a letter to the Town Board, with their concerns about the lack of coordination and the approval of permits in the Historic District prior to Historic Commission review
Catskill Foundry will be getting back to Lewis Wendell about the Historic plaques.
On motion by Philip Lenihan seconded by Michael Mathis meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.
AYES-3 Philip Lenihan, Michael Mathis, Lewis Wendell
April 5, 2014 - Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission Approved Minutes
Meeting called to order at 11:14
April 5, 2014
Lewis Wendell
Michael Mathis
Phil Lenihan
Carolynn Faraci
Jeff Tichenor
Meeting called to order at 11:14
Roxbury Wine & Spirits-Application number 09024
Jeff Tichenor was present to discuss his application for a sign for the new Roxbury Wine and Spirits store to be located in the old bank building formerly occupied by the Roxbury Arts Group.
Application for the sign was 16’ x 2’, to be put on the front of the building.
The size of the signs in the area are:
Queens Mountain Cafe 7’ X 16”
Catskill Images 60” X 24”
Jason Maloney 2’ X 2’
Roxbury General Store 2’ X 4’
The Commission talked with Jeff Tichenor and explained that the way the sign was designed was fine but that the size was an issue. It was explained that the local historic preservation law regulates “signs pertaining to commercial properties and home businesses including size, lighting and other factors of significance to maintain compatibility with surrounding properties”. The proposed sign of 16 feet was larger than all surrounding signs with the next largest being 7 feet. The Commission suggested keeping the sign to eight feet long to which Mr. Tichenor agreed.
This would keep the sign more in line within the size of the other signs. It was suggested that the sign be made to fit symmetrically into the area of the façade where it is placed.
Motion made by Phil Lenihan seconded by Michael Mathis.
Ayes-3 Phil Lenihan, Michael Mathis & Lewis Wendell
Lewis Wendell spoke with William Walcutt. William stated that he would notify the Commission on any, applications in the Historic District.
Motion by Michael Mathis seconded by Phil Lenihan that the Historic Plaque design (see attached) was chosen with the understanding that the font size would be the same.
Ayes-3 Michael Mathis, Phil Lenihan & Lewis Wendell
Mr. Wendell volunteered to follow up with the Catskill foundry to see about cost. The status of the O’Conner Foundation grant for funding of the plaques was discussed. The Commission wanted to know if they need to provide any information or if they could help Peg Ellsworth. Peg Ellsworth is going to be writing the Grant to the O’Connor Foundation.
On Motion by Phil Lenihan seconded by Michael Mathis meeting adjourned at 11:45.
Ayes-3 Phil Lenihan, Michael Mathis & Lewis Wendell
Notice - Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission Special Meeting on April 5, 2014
The Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission will hold a Special Meeting on April 5, 2014 at 11:00 am at the Town Hall to discuss applications received and any other business that may come before the Commission.
By Order of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission
Louis Wendell, Chairman
Dated: March 24, 2014
Notice - Historic Preservation Commission
Notice is hereby given that the Historic Preservation Commission, Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, for the year 2014 will hold meetings the third Mondays of the month at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall for their Regular Monthly Meeting.
By Order of the Town Board
Diane Pickett, Town Clerk
Dated: Jan. 6, 2014
Historic Preservation Commission - October 21, 2013, Minutes
Meeting October 21, 2013
Historic Preservation Commission
Meeting October 21, 2013
Members Present are:
Doug Kadow
Phil Lenihan
Martin Lerner
Lewis Wendell
Meeting was called to order at 7:07pm
Application for Bodyworks sign and Historic Marker Brochure
Lewis motions to approve minutes of previous meeting after addition of application description. Doug seconds.
Lewis suggests that the proposed sign in the new application is too large. He suggests the sign be no larger than 24×24 inches. All unanimously agree to approve the application with these size restrictions.
Historic Markers:
Doug suggests that the date on the historic markers should be the biggest and most visible writing. Phil proposes there be different levels of participation. Lewis recommends having 3 uniform sizes with the amount of lines for description varying from 3-4 lines to 10 lines. He also suggests there be uniform identifying factors so people will know what information they can expect to find on these markers. The members also discussed the idea of offering a report with historical information that goes with the plaque as something that could be given to the homeowner’s in the ceremony with the plaque.
The members agreed that Lewis will make a few changes to the brochure and send to Peg Ellsworth to review. Phil will look into pricing from a manufacturer in Bloomsville.
Doug motions to adjourn and Phil seconds. All are in favor.
Meeting is adjourned at 8:05
The next RHPC meeting will be November 18, 2013 at 7:00pm.
Historic Preservation Commission — March 18, 2013 Minutes
Meeting of the Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission
Monday, March 18, 2013
7:00 pm at the Roxbury Town Hall
Commission members:
Douglas Kadow
Lewis Wendell
Martin Lerner
Teleconferencing: Billy Allison, Michael Mathis
Also present: Karina M. Walker
Meeting brought to order at 7:13 pm by Douglas Kadow.
No minutes to approve from previous meeting.
1.1 Karina Walker presents the commission with an application for work at 116 Lake
Street, owner Mary Anne Warren. The commission determines that although the property in question is within the Roxbury Historic District, it is a non-contributing property. Questions are raised regarding how best to handle review of projects taking place on properties that fall under this category. It is decided that this project falls outside the commission’s purview and a letter to that effect will be sent to the homeowner upon approval by the commission via e-mail.
It is also agreed that the commission will pursue the establishment of procedural guidelines for handling of applications and follow-up of cases. The commission agrees to form a subcommittee to work with Karina Walker to draft these guidelines. Karina Walker will contact members of this committee to arrange a meeting.
1.2 The commission reviews an application for work at 40 Roosevelt ave, owner Clint
Goodchild. Lewis Wendell agrees to visit the property and assess whether the work in
question can be seen from the street. Karina Walker will confirm whether the property is contributing or non-contributing and will contact the commission with that information.
The commission determines that if the work in question cannot be seen from the street, the project will be given the go-ahead.
1.3 The Commission reviews and application for signage installation at 54155 State
Highway 30. Questions were raised regarding the materials to be used, as well as some
concerns regarding the design of the signs. The Commission appoints Lewis Wendell as case manager. Lewis Wendell will speak to Philip Lenihan regarding these concerns and will report to the commission. The commission determines that a decision on this project will be postponed until a future date.
1.4 Karina Walker requests that the commission vote to approve the website project
discussed several months prior. The commission had been presented with an estimate for
the creation of a password protected secure sub-site for the RHPC. This site would serve as a repository for RHPC documentation, and would only be accessible to commission
members. Doug Kadow moves to approve the project, Lewis Wendell seconds.
On motion by Douglas Kadow second Michael Mathis, the RHPC meeting is adjourned.
Meeting adjourned 8:13 pm.
Minutes taken by Karina M. Walker