Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

Roxbury Planning Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes - May 18, 2016

Present: Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Brad Zambri, Ed Hinkley, Rob Cole, Nicole Franzese from DC Planning Board.



Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Present: Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Brad Zambri, Ed Hinkley, Rob Cole, Nicole Franzese from DC Planning Board.

Absent: Joe Farleigh, Jill Ribich, secretary/alternate

Meeting called to order by at 7:30

Motion to approve minutes of April 20, 2016 meeting – Jean Stone moved, seconded by Dave Cowan, Motion approved unanimously.

Present at the meeting were Rob Allison – Catskill Region Surveying Services, Greg Henderson and Joe Massa – The Roxbury Motel. As required by the Board’s approval of the Site Plan for The Roxbury at Stratton Falls, Rob presented the Board with updated site plan drawings showing final locations of stormwater discharge, sewer and water supply systems. Also, copies of letters from NYCDEP’s approval of the SWPPP and sewage treatment system, NYS Department of Health’s approval of the water supply and sewage systems, NYSDEC’s approval of the permit for trails along Stratton Falls, and OPRHP’s letter of No Adverse Impact were presented to the Board.

Our Site Plan Law states that a site plan approval is only in effect for one year and an extension can be requested in writing. As our original approval was given at the May 2015 meeting, Greg presented the Board with a letter requesting a two-year extension of the approval. Regulatory approval delays and grant delays were among several reasons construction has been delayed.

A letter will be sent to Greg and Joe indicating receipt of the above documents and the extension of the site plan approval.

Motion to approve a two-year extension – Dave Cowan moved, seconded by Ed Hinkley, Motion approved unanimously.

Commercial Solar – Phillip Zorda stated that the county and town have approved resolutions approving PILOT agreements for commercial solar “farms”.

NYCDEP Land Acquisition – the Board reviewed LAP #8999, 243.-3-17, a 6.57 acre parcel located off Red Kill Rd. The county will be reviewing this acquisition and will make any comments necessary to the town.

Motion to Adjourn – Jean Stone moved, seconded by Dave Cowan, Motion approved unanimously.

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Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town

Notice-June 15, 2016, Roxbury Planning Board Meeting Canceled

due to having no business to discuss.


The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Roxbury Planning Board scheduled for June 15, 2016 is canceled due to having no business to discuss.

The next regular monthly meeting is scheduled to be held July 20, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall.

By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Phillip Zorda, Chairman
Dated: June 2, 2016

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Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

Roxbury Town Planning Board Approved Meeting Minutes - April 20, 2016

Present: Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Brad Zambri, Jill Ribich, secretary/alternate. Nicole Franzese from DC Planning Board.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Brad Zambri, Jill Ribich, secretary/alternate. Nicole Franzese from DC Planning Board.

Absent: Ed Hinkley, Rob Cole, Joe Farleigh

Meeting called to order by Chairman Phil Zorda at 7:30

7:30: Motion to approve minutes of November 18, 2015 meeting by Jean Stone, seconded by Dave Cowan

No Old Business

New Business:

There was a general discussion regarding Commercial Solar Installations being proposed in the area. Nicole Franzese advised that land owners need to be diligent when signing leases regarding taxes and other inherent obligations that occur if and when the solar company abandons the installation.

Phil Zorda stated that one of the responsibilities of the Roxbury Town Planning Board is site plan review and that the Town’s attorney has indicated that commercial solar would fall under our review. Stephanie from the assessor’s office has suggested that parcels leased for solar installations be subdivided to protect the land owner and any ag exemptions they may have. Twenty acres is generally the minimum number of acres for a commercial solar installation.

The board was advised of a Land Acquisition Project by the state of New York on Hard Scrabble Road near Duggan Hill consisting of three small lots; NYC parcel # 8027 totaling 28.34 acres. The acquisition was review by the Delaware County Planning Board and no action is necessary by the town board.

The Delaware County Planning Board adjusted the town map for the Hamlet of Grand Gorge to reflect three parcels removed from the map at the request of the land owners. No action necessary by the town board.

There was a mention of what is involved to designate RT 30 as a scenic route. Apparently a group from Schoharie County has approached the town about the possibility.

8:30: Motion to adjourn by Jean Stone seconded by Dave Cowan

NOTES: Brad Zambri was appointed and Ed Hinkley was reappointed to the Roxbury Town Planning Board at the December 2015 meeting. Phil Zorda was appointed as chairman at the January 2016 meeting.

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Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town

Town of Roxbury Planning Board Meeting scheduled for March 16, 2016, has been Canceled

Due to having no business to discuss


The Town of Roxbury Planning Board monthly meeting scheduled for March 16, 2016 has been canceled due to having no business to discuss.  The next monthly meeting of the Planning Board will be held April 20, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall.

By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Phillip Zorda, Chairman
Dated: March 11, 2016

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Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town

Notice - Town of Roxbury Planning Board Regular Meeting January 20, 2016, is Cancelled

Due to having no business to discuss. The next regular meeting of the Planning Board will be held February 17, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall


The Town of Roxbury Planning Board regular monthly meeting scheduled for January 20, 2016 is canceled due to having no business to discuss.  The next regular meeting of the Planning Board will be held February 17, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall.

By order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Phillip Zorda, Chairman
Dated: Jan. 14, 2016

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Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town

Notice - Roxbury Planning Board 2016 Meeting Schedule

The Planning Board, Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, for the year 2016 will meet the third Wednesdays of each month for their Regular Monthly Meeting


Notice is hereby given that the Planning Board, Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, for the year 2016 will meet the third Wednesdays of each month for their Regular Monthly Meeting.  All meetings shall begin at 7:30 pm and will be held at the Town Hall, 53690 State Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY.

By Order of the Town Board
Diane Pickett, Town Clerk
Dated: Jan. 4, 2016

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Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town

Roxbury Planning Board Meeting Scheduled for October 21, 2015 is Canceled

Due to having no business to discuss. The next meeting of the Planning Board will be held November 18, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall.


The Town of Roxbury Planning Board meeting scheduled for October 21, 2015 is canceled due to having no business to discuss.  The next meeting of the Planning Board will be held November 18, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall.

By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Joseph Farleigh, Chairman
Dated: 10/9/15

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Notice - September 16, 2015, Town of Roxbury Planning Board Meeting Canceled


The Town of Roxbury Planning Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday September 16, 2015 has been canceled due to having no business to discuss.  The next scheduled meeting will be held Wednesday October 21, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall.

By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Joseph Farleigh, Chairman
Dated: Sept. 15, 2015

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Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

Town of Roxbury Planning Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes - August 18, 2015

Present: Joe Farleigh, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Ed Hinkley, Rob Cole, Jill Ribich, secretary/alternate

Wednesday, August 18, 2015
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Joe Farleigh, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Ed Hinkley, Rob Cole, Jill Ribich, secretary/alternate

Absent: Dave Cowan

7:30  Meeting called to order by Chairman Farleigh. Motion to approve July minutes made by Phil Zorda, seconded by Jean Stone. All approved.

Old Business

Jerome Libatore presented two deeds for the properties on New Kingston Mountian Rd. for which he is requesting a boundary line adjustment.

Emily Gray did not attend to present the mylar map of the property on Andrew Gray Rd. that is to be transferred to  Andrew McArdle. She had been informed by Chairman Farleigh that this map was necessary as well as a deep pit and perk test on the property.

New Business

Chairman Farleigh gave his notice  of intention to step down as the chairperson for the Town of Roxbury Planning Board as of Jan. 1, 2016, although he will remain a member of the board.  Dave Cowan and Phil Zorda were discussed as possible replacements as chairman of the planning board.

7:45: Motion to adjourn was made by Phil Zorda, seconded by Ed Hinkley.  All approved.

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Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

Town of Roxbury Planning Board Approved Meeting Minutes - July 15, 2015

Present: Joe Farleigh, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Ed Hinkley, Nicole Franzese, of Delaware County Planning Board, Jill Ribich, secretary/alternate.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Joe Farleigh, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Ed Hinkley, Nicole Franzese, of Delaware County  Planning Board,  Jill Ribich, secretary/alternate.

Absent: David Zambri, Rob Cole,

Minutes of June minutes approved. Motion to approve by Dave Cowan, second Jean Stone

New Business

Richard Purchell presented Application for Subdivision of property on Caroll Hinkley Road into three separate lots, two of which have viable septic. Informed that he needs perk and deep pit tests. Property sits on both sides of Carol Hinkley Road. Mr. Prurchell requested information re: how to complete the paperwork.  Ag. 1 district. Told he needs to send certificate of filing notice of subdivision to adjoining properties. Mr. Farleigh gave Mr. Purchell the necessary information.  Tax map #221.-1-2. The request is for three lots sizes: 0.62, 80 and 150 acres. Perk test needed only on the lot having no current septic.

Frank and Cecilia Towers purchased tax # 200.2-12 adjacent to their current property, tax # near the intersection of Meeker Hollow and Cold Spring Roads. They would like to get a boundary line adjustment to combine the two lots. They were given the proper forms to apply for the adjustment.

Old Business

Jerome Libatore brought in the completed application for a boundary line adjustment to combine 0.49 acres, tax map # 200-1-78 currently owned by Manhattan Country School to their current 19 acres, tax map # 200-80.1 on New Kingston Mountain Road. The application was numbered 2015-5.

Paperwork was received from NYC DEP requesting further information on septic and soil tests for the Roxbury as Stratton Falls.

Motion to adjourn by Phil Zorda, seconded by Ed Hinkley, 8:15 PM.

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Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

Town of Roxbury Planning Board Approved Meeting Minutes - May 20, 2015

Present: Joe Farleigh, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Rob Cole, Molly Oliver, of Delaware County Planning Board, Ed Hinkley as potential new planning board member. Jill Ribich, secretary/alternate.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Joe Farleigh, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Rob Cole, Molly Oliver, of Delaware County  Planning Board, Ed Hinkley as potential new planning board member. Jill Ribich, secretary/alternate.

Absent: David Zambri

Also present: Emily Gray, Andrew McArdle representing the Emily Gray subdivision application.

Public Hearing opened at 7:30PM

Emily Gray subdivision; Tax Map #156.1-8.1—Andrew Gray Road- Lot 2 subdivision.  No public comments were offered.

Kurt Ortner subdivision; Two lots on Hardscrabble Road 133-2-12. No public comments were offered.

Charles Brannen property: Tax Map #91.-1-70.21. Two lot subdivision. No public comments were offered.

Public Hearing closed at 8:00.

Gray Subdivision

Andy McArdle, the purchaser of the 6 acre subdivided lot, presented a Mylar map of the 6 acre lot to be divided from the 42.1 acre Gray parcel. Mr. Farleigh agreed to waive the survey of the entire parcel. A waiver of deep pit and perc test was granted.  Mr. Cowan is familiar with the site.    Motion for waiver Cowan, Cole, all in favor. Application forms and payment of $50 were presented and receipts for mailing notice of public hearing to adjoining properties. Mr. McArdle was asked to present a completed SEQRA form at the next meeting of the Roxbury planning board and was told that the subdivision proposal must be presented to the County planning board because the property is in an agricultural district. Motion to approve the subdivision by Cowan, 2nd Zorda, all in favor.

Orter Subdivision

Rick Brooks, of Brooks and Brooks, representing Kurt Ortner re: Subdivision of Kurt Ortner; Two lots on Hardscrabble Road 133-2-12.  A 258.18 acre lot, which is on both sides of Hard Scrabble Rd. to be divided and is under contract to New York City/DEP. The remaining 15.18 acres with the Ortner home will remain the Ortner’s.  Receipts for mailings of notice of public hearing to neighbors were presented. Completed SEQRA for part one was reviewed.  Parts 2 and 3 completed by the Board.  Mr. Zorda made a motion of Negative Declaration for SEQRA. seconded by Mr. Cole, all in favor. Mr. Zorda moved toj approve the subdivision, seconded by Cole. All in favor.  Application must be presented to the county planning board due to Ag District inclusion.

Brannen Subdivision

Rob Allison, representing the Charles Brannen property: Tax Map #91.-1-70.21.   Mr. Allison presented the receipts for the mailing to adjoiners. The property to be subdivided into two parcels: Parcel A 6.08 acres and Parcel B 21.98 acres.  The 21.98 acre parcel is to be purchased by NYCDEP.  Receipts for mailings to adjoiners were presented.

The board discussed the need for a road access to the Brannen property. The question is whether the lot was a “buildable lots” and if the possibility of road access even exists. The board discussed that the cost of road access was prohibitive. Ms. Oliver read the Regulation provisions allowing a waiver.   The Board agreed that this parcel met a sufficient number of those requirements allowing a waiver. Application must be presented to the County due to its NYS Rt. 30 location.  Mr. Allison presented Sketch Plats on the Brannen property showing the proposed subdivision as well as the completed results of the deep pit and perk tests. The motion to approve was tabled pending the investigation into a waiver of road access.

Ortner Subdivision

A motion to waive the perk and deep pit tests due to the topography and size of the lot was proposed by Dave Cowan, seconded by Jean Stone, all in favor.

Following review of SEQRA form Part 1 and completion of Part 2 and 3 by the Board, a motion for a negative declaration was proposed by Phil Zorda seconded by Rob Cole, all in favor.

Phil Zorda made a motion to approve the Ortner subdivision pending approval by the County planning board because it is located in an agricultural district; second by Mr. Cole, all in favor. A check for $50 was presented, an additional $45 was paid site inspection $25 two lote $20.

Masserson Site Plan Review, Stratton Falls

Mr. Allison presented amended site plans, dated 5-5-2015 for the Roxbury at Stratton Falls. The site plan did receive approval from the Delaware County Planning Board accepted the recommendation of the Roxbury Planning Board. A motion to approve the site plan as amended for the Roxbury at Stratton Falls was proposed by Phil Zorda, second by Jean Stone, all in favor.

Ms. Oliver presented two Land Acquisition notices:

Roxbury #8885, no comments were made.

Roxbury #8831, no comments were made.

A discussion of the need for the Deep Pit, perc test requirement was initiated by the Chairman. NYS DOH has this requirement Statewide for and new construction.  The test is valid for 2 years with a possible extension of 18 months.  Costs are being incurred that are frequently wasted. Most property sales are to NYSDEP which prohibits buildings on their properties.  Mr. Allyson and Brooks both stated that it is common for a new purchaser to site their home at a site requiring a different Deep pit and perc test to determine septic type.  Mr. Brooks indicated his experience in other towns, with the exception of Grahamsville, have no such requirement for subdividing.  Grahamsville requires septic design in addition to Deep pit and perc tests.  Allyson indicated that a nearby town has a lot designation of Recreational.  These lots may not be built upon and are intended for camping, hunting, etc.

Motion to approve the minutes of the April meeting by Phil Zorda, second by Jean Stone, all in favor.

The board agreed to present Mr. Hinkley’s name as a new Board member to the Roxbury Planning Board.

Mr. Zambri told Chairman Farleigh that he will send a letter of resignation due to business reasons.  Prospective new members were discussed. There is a preference for another member from Grand Gorge.

A motion to adjourn was made by Phil Zorda, seconded by Dave Cowan, all approved at 9:30PM

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Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town Public Notices, Planning Board Roxbury Town

Notice - Town of Roxbury Planning Board will hold Public Hearings on May 20, 2015

SAID HEARINGS will be held on May 20, 2015 at the Roxbury Town Hall, 53690 St. Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY at 7:30 pm, at which time all interested persons will have the opportunity to be heard.

Town of Roxbury
PO Box 189 – 53690 State Hwy 30
Roxbury, NY  12474
Phone 607-326-7641           FAX 607-326-7641


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Roxbury Planning Board will hold Public Hearings, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law on the application(s) of

Kurt Ortner – Tax Map #133.-2-12 – Hardscrabble Rd. – 2 lot subdivision

Emily Gray – Tax Map #156.-1-8.1 – Andrew Gray Rd. – 2 lot subdivision

Charles Brannen -Tax Map #91.-1-70.21 -State Hwy 30 -2 lot subdivision

for the approval of a subdivision plat.

SAID HEARINGS will be held on May 20, 2015 at the Roxbury Town Hall, 53690 St. Hwy. 30, Roxbury, NY at 7:30 pm, at which time all interested persons will have the opportunity to be heard.

By Order of the Roxbury Planning Board
Joseph Farleigh, Chairman
Dated: May 6, 2015

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Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

Planning Board Meeting Approved Minutes - April 15, 2015

Present: Joe Farleigh, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Jill Ribich, alternate, and Molly Oliver of Delaware County Planning Dept.Absent: Rob Cole, Dave Zambri, Melanie LeeAlso Present: Rob Allison, Project Manager and Surveyor for the Roxbury at Stratton Falls, Allyson Phillips of Young-Summer, Atty. representing the town of Roxbury.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Joe Farleigh, Phil Zorda, Jean Stone, Dave Cowan, Jill Ribich, alternate, and Molly Oliver of Delaware County Planning Dept.

Absent: Rob Cole, Dave Zambri, Melanie Lee

Also Present: Rob Allison, Project Manager and Surveyor for the Roxbury at Stratton Falls, Allyson Phillips of Young-Summer, Atty. representing the town of Roxbury.

Chairman Farleigh called the meeting to order at 7:25 PM

Motion to approve minutes of March meeting: Proposed by Phil Zorda, seconded by Dave Cowan;  all in Favor.

Mike Sheehan asked to be heard on the matter of the Roxbury at Stratton Falls. He was informed by Atty. Phillips that the public hearing had been held and closed and no further comments were being accepted at this time. Mr. Sheehan left the meeting at 7:40 PM.

Molly Oliver stated that the Delaware County Planning board has yet to review and vote on the applications prepared by the Roxbury at Stratton Falls and must do so before the Roxbury Town Planning Board can vote on the matter.

Ms. Phillips presented a written Negative Declaration for board consideration stating the scope of the project which acts are part two of the SERQA short form.  She also presented a “Resolution of the Planning Board of the town of Roxbury Adopting a Negative Declaration for Project Known as the Roxbury at Stratton Falls”. Mr. Farleigh read each point in the form and each was discussed and answers agreed upon by the board.  One change to the document was on point one: Impact on Land, changing the impact from “no anticipated significant impacts” to “moderate but not significant anticipated impact. Factors judged to affect land use are the addition of five buildings, swimming pool and parking.  The proposed plan mitigates environmental impacts of these additions sufficiently for a declaration of negative impact to be supported.

Mr. Zorda proposed to accept the Resolution with the changes, seconded by Jean Stone, all in favor.

Mr. Zorda proposed that the resolutions be presented to the County Planning Board. Seconded by Dave Cowan. All in favor.

Mr. Cowan made a Motion to engage Young-Summer as consultants to assist the Planning board in review of the project and be compensated for this assistance. Seconded by Phil Zorda, all in favor.

Vic Fairbairn of Victor J. Fairbairn Land Surveying presented a map showing a boundary line adjustment request for the premises of Dwight L. Edwards being a portion of Lot nos. 27 & 36 of the first division of Great Lot No. 19 within the Hardenburgh Patent. Tax Map No. 123.45-6-78. Mr. Edwards owns both lots so there was no objection to the boundary line adjustment.

Motion to approve by Jean Stone, seconded by Phil Zorda; all in favor.

Mr. Fairbairn gave the Planning board a check in the amount of $40 for the boundary adjustment fee.

Chairman Farleigh presented a letter addressed to Melanie Lee thanking her for her service to the Town Planning Board and informing her that due to several absences she was no longer a member of the board.  Mr. Cowan made a motion to terminate Mrs. Lee as a member of the Town Planning Board. Seconded by Jean Stone. All in favor.

Mr. Farleigh opened discussion regarding a new board member as a replacement of Mrs. Lee. Several names were presented by board members. These people will be contacted about their desire to serve on the board. One will be chosen.

Mr. Zorda moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 PM. Seconded by Jean Stone; all in favor.

Minutes taken by Jill Ribich, Secretary

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Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

Planning Board Meeting Approved Minutes - March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Rob Cole, Phil Zorda, Dave Cowan, Jill Ribich, secretary and alternate member, Molly Oliver of Delaware Co Planning Dept. Kevin Young, Attorney for the Town of Roxbury.

Absent: Joe Farleigh, Melanie Lee, Jean Stone, Dave Zambri

Also present Rob Allison representing The Roxbury (Motel), Greg Henderson & Joseph Masa of the Roxbury Motel. Eleven members of the community attended.

Acting Vice-Chairman Dave Cowan called the public hearing to order at 7:30 PM.

The public hearing announcement was published in the paper and the proper mailings were completed.

Greg Henderson, partner in the development, Roxbury at Stratton Falls, stated the main reason for the public meeting was to “get ducks in a row” to secure financing for the project. He gave a brief history of the property at Stratton Falls where the Roxbury of Stratton Falls is to be developed. Economic benefits to the community: they maintain 22 people on a permanent payroll at this time. Every dollar spent in this community has a direct effect on the economy of the community. Also indirect benefit of the Roxbury and guests spend money in the community, and the induced effect of their employee’s spending money here and elsewhere.

Mr. Henderson presented photos of the property, past and present, and their plans for the renovation of the house.  The general exterior design of the house will not change.  There will be a mudroom added to the front entrance. The second addition is in the rear of the house which is mostly bringing back an extension of the original house, adding 15 additional feet.  This will be a dining/meeting area for the guests. The themes of each of the seven rooms will reflect the history of the house. Five additional accommodation dwellings will be added; three will be duplexes, two will be single dwellings. They will be placed along the site of the original road through the property. This will equal a total of 15 guest units at the Stratton Falls site. There will also be a manager’s apartment. The plans include 40 parking spaces.  The stone bridge will be reinforced, but unchanged in structure. The current entrance/driveway will be moved according to the requirements of the Delaware County Dept. of Public Works. There will be a swimming pool with a cabana and a spa added to the property and hiking trails created that will take people to the area of the falls where a small observation deck will be built at the top of the falls. A second deck will be built looking back at the falls. The trail will not be lighted so as not to encourage people to hike that area at night. There will be some low lighting of the falls themselves. They might build a pedestrian bridge making the trail into a loop.

Rob Allison, project manager and surveyor, talked about the site development.  The site plan was designed to preserve wildlife and trees with the least amount of disruption of the existing property.

Review letter from the county to shift the proposed new entrance farther from the structure of the bridge in order to accommodate access to the bridge.  The proposed driveway will be moved 14 feet farther to the NE of the existing entrance.  Retaining walls will be built if needed, the banks graded.  Storm water system consists of a series of ponds and underground tanks. 1.6 acres will be developed.

They are constantly presenting information as requested to the different regulatory agencies to stay current with regulations and requirements.

1.     Signage will be at the entrance monuments and up lighted. This will be the only signage on County Rd. 41. Other signage is on the property and presented in the info to the planning board.

2.     Lighting: the lighting plans have been revised several times. The lighting will be minimal. There will be 54 fixtures of reduced lumens: many small sconces, walkway lights, up lighting tucked into the property so as not to disturb guests or neighbors.

3.     Septic pending approval of DEP

4.     Entrance from the road will be moved according to requirements of the review letter from the county.

5.     A second well will be added. The well water will be treated in a small treatment (chlorine) facility in the basement of the house pending approval off DOH.

Marshall Rudd, resident of Cold Spring Road, asked if the guiderail along Cold Spring Rd. at the site of the falls will be moved so that people cannot park along the road to walk down the falls. There is an existing “pull off” along the road. Mr. Rudd feels that cars in this area can create a hazard to cars driving on Cold Spring Road as there is a blind curve just above this point.  Mr. Henderson stated that is in the highway  right-of-way, and that any changes there will need to come from the Town. This “pull off” is along a town road and not a part of the Roxbury at Stratton Falls property.

Allen Hinkley, Town of Roxbury Fire Chief asked is there will there be any public access to the falls? Mr. Henderson stated that they want the public to be able to enjoy the falls “within reason”. He will ask his attorney about this subject. Mr. Hinkley expressed his support of the project.

Brian Muldar, resident of Cold Spring Road, also expressed support of the project.

Mr.  Rich Kreig, who lives directly above the Stratton Falls property was concerned about the lighting, but is pleased to hear the plans of minimal lighting. Mr. Henderson explained that most lighting will be green and not obtrusive.

Acting vice-chairman, Dave Cowan asked if there were further comments from the public and proposed to close the public hearing at 8:30, seconded by Phil Zorda.

General meeting called to order at 8:35 by Dave Cowan.

Rob Allison distributed more information for the folders of the planning board. Mr. Henderson and Mr. Masa also remained.

They have submitted information to SHPO. They cannot get DEC approval without SHPO approval.

There was a discussion between a representative of SHPO and Mr. Henderson about if he is interested in listing the house on the National Historic Register.  The mudroom addition would be the only deterrent to this designation.  This could have an impact on funding, permits, and construction plans as they are presented today.

There was discussion of adding a footbridge over the stream at a later time. DEP commented that they should use indigenous plants and avoid introducing any invasive species. Mr. Henderson also commented on the possibility of future signage along the walking path naming the plants.

They asked what further information is required by the planning board to approve the project by April 15th?

Mr. Young and Ms. Oliver felt that performance spec plan should suffice. The plan should be very close to what will actually be built via the site plan and leaving room for minor adjustments required by government agencies.

Minutes of February meeting were amended to show that Jean Stone was absent from that meeting, and that the date of the March meeting should read March 18th rather than March 15th.  Motion to approve the amended minutes by Phil Zorda and seconded by Rob Cole. 9:35 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.

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Planning Board Roxbury Town Planning Board Roxbury Town

Planning Board Meeting Approved Minutes - February 17, 2015

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2015
Roxbury Town Planning Board Meeting

Present: Rob Cole, Phil Zorda, Dave Cowan, Jill Ribich as Alternate member, Molly Oliver of Delaware Co Planning Dept.
Absent: Joe Farleigh, Melanie Lee, Jean Stone, Dave Zambri

Acting Chairman Dave Cowan called the meeting to order at 7:30.

Motion to approve minutes: Proposed by proposed, Phil Zorda second by Rob Cole. All in Favor

Also present Rob Allison representing The Roxbury (Motel).

It was suggested by Phil Zorda that Melanie Lee should be asked to officially step down from the planning board due to lack of attendance.

Rob Allison re:  The Roxbury Motel.  One well has been drilled on the property known as “The Roxbury at Stratton Falls” producing the minimum flow of 8 gal. per minute. A second well will be drilled at the upper end of the property. Retaining walls and parking lots were pointed out on the site map.  They are waiting on the county for approvals on some of these projects.

Mr. Allison presented drawings of the house showing two additions: a mud room on the front and a breakfast room on the back of the building with balcony/patio above with stairs leading down. The drawing also depicted the return of a pergola on the roof as was the case in the original building.

Mr. Allison requested that there be a public meeting in March to inform adjoining properties and the public to present the project as proposed and to address any concerns regarding the proposed construction project. Mr. Allison also said that his client would waive the 60 day waiting period for a public meeting. Notice of the public hearing must go out 15 days prior to the scheduled meeting on March 18th.  It was suggested that they bring presentations for the:

1.     Signage
2.     Lighting
3.     Septic
4.     Entrance from the road

A motion was made by Phil Zorda to have the public hearing regarding the site plan for the Roxbury at Stratton Falls as requested above.  Second by Rob Cole. All in favor.

It was requested that Mr. Allison include the SEQRA and site plan application be added to the presentation books of the Planning Board members.

8:20    Motion to adjourn by Phil Zorda, seconded by Rob Cole.

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